This is a tough gift-giving age! Quinn seems to want everything and care about nothing at the same time. He'd seem to be just as happy with another Thomas train as he would an extravagant gift. So, this Christmas, I want to put some things on his wish list that I think will last! Things that will get play time! I don't know if we'll ever beat Santa's gift from last year (his train table), but we'll try! ... Here are some things that I'm thinking about puting on Q's list this year! And, some of these are his own wishes from some catalog browsing! ... Let me know if you know good or bad things about any of these items....and, what is Santa bringing your kiddos this year?

2. How to Build an A: this book looks SO fun...and it contains the pieces so that he can build the letters himself!
3. Silicone Alphabet Letter Trays: to make crayons, jello, ice, candy and more!
4. A play kitchen: Is this super girly? I just think Q would have fun with it. And this one isn't very expensive and has lots of frills...and it's blue! :) When we talk to him about it, he seems VERY interested!

6. New labels: I like that they're little.
7. High Five Magazine: Quinn loves mail and so this will be a fun surprise every month!
8. An art smock: I'd love to find one that's vinal.
9. CARS Drift and Jump Track: This is a request from Q! This may be what he asks Santa for! :)
So, now it's your turn...let me know what I should add/take away on Q's list and tell me what Santa is brining your little one this year!
both my older girls have a plasma car and love them. we also have the same kitchen that you are looking at. i dont think it's girly at all. we've had that kitchen since camden was 2...she's now 5 and it is still played with EVERY day!!! great investment! this year is so hard to pick out gifts for the girls. they want everything but dont even know what they are asking for. whatever they see, they want. they have every toy imaginable, so i think we are going to bite the bullet and buy them a pink power wheels escalade. kind of pricey, but i know it will provide hours and hours of entertainment and fun! hope you and your family are doing well! i love reading your blog!
Em has a Vitek camera similar to that one and LOVES it! I just need to figure out how to download her pics ;). And she gets High Five too...she loves getting her own mail and really likes doing the activities too. I'm definitely going to have to put that How to Build an A book on our list. Thanks for sharing!!
well thank you for doing my shopping for me, b/c this list is great! :) we've talked pretty hard about getting jagger a train table for either his bday or christmas - and this kind of confirms that we should. I was kind of worried about how much room it will take up, but for him to play with it everyday it's worth it I think. i take him to a bookstore that has one set up to play with, and he goes crazy over it! we're getting jagger the razor jr. (i kind of skimmed the amazon reviews), and I was thinking of getting him the tag jr. have you heard anything about it? it's the new one (by leapfrog) for toddlers.
great list!
I bought my little boy(he's 2 also) that camera a couple of months ago, and he LOVEs it. The picture quality isn't that great but for a toddler its perfect. I posted some pics on my blog that he took
We also bought him a kitchen last year for Christmas, and it was by far his favorite gift. I also found one in "boyish" colors and just ignored anyones opinions. The way I see it, if Daddy cooks why can't my little dude pretend to cook also. Now his cousins and friends head straight to his kitchen when they come over.
My boy is almost the same age as yours -
We got a plasma car for Christmas last year and love it. We also got the train table as well. We seem to play outside more than inside so the plasma car and trike get more play than the train table.
He is getting a kitchen this year and the camera.
I actually sell labels a little smaller than that :). Check them out sometime.
From my website, he's been begging for the Cook it in a Cup, so he'll be getting that as well. He has the Robot tin and loves it!
Every child I know who has the plasma car ABSOLUTELY LOVES it!
shoot, I just tried to look back and find out what kind of train table you got for Quinn and couldn't find it! if you have a minute, would you share the post/brand on it? Thanks! :)
I love the smocks on the land of nod website. I was just looking at one for Elle.
Not sure why it posted as my husband Miles' name :)
-Sarah Durham
my folks got oliver that exact camera for his birthday. he liked it fine and thought it was fun but we ended up returning it b/c the picture quality (esp. indoors) was horrible. my phone takes better pics. anyway, we're going to look for something else. just fyi. :)
Mason had the a Vtech camera and loves taking pics on it. We got it for him to take pics at the hospital when Madelyn was born. He also had the plasma car and loves riding it too! The one thing we don't have but I know would be a hit was the KITCHEN!!! Mason loves playing in the one in his classroom and know it would get great use! We have the Shake and Go race track which is they have the Shake and Go Extreme that look like tons of fun can be stored under his bed :) so it doesn't take up space.
My parents got Hudson a kitchen for his birthday this past year and he LOVES it...plays with it every day. I definitely think you can't go wrong with it!
HI!! you always have the best posts! and most creative ideas!!! i am in charge of my MOPS small group December play group get together and i was hoping you would share some ideas that you have either done in the past or enjoyed by someone else! The ages range from 17 months to 3.5yrs because everyone brings their old child as well if they have two! I wanted to do something at my house....maybe crafty, with some kind of festive snack....thought i would reach out to you first since you and your play group that you post about always seem to have the most inventive and fun ideas for our tots!!
post your response on my 'ABK FAMILY BLOG'...not the updates blog....thanks!!! and if you want to read my blog too- id love it! just include your e-mail address in your response!
Too fun! That plasma car is on Brady's Christmas list too. And we have that exact same kitchen set! I caved and bought it a few weeks ago. Hey, it's navy blue and brown, right? Besides, there are certainly worse things than chef training. We've been calling it Brady's "Man Kitchen", and seriously, he L-O-V-E-S it! No regrets!
HI Brittney! My oldest who will be 4 in January gets this every month now for almost a year and she LOVES it. She loves getting the mail, but it is the perfect length of stories and has fun activities. She easily memorizes the poems and has fun with them so that to me is a definite must. We also got her the camera last Christmas (she was about to turn 3 when she got it) and LOVES it too. Her baby sister came in February so needless to say it has gotten lots of use.
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