Some days I wonder what happened? How did I have SO much time to blog in my past life...what happened to that Momma with all of the fun activities for her kids and then time to blog about?! Sometimes I miss her! ;)
But, life has changed!
Kids have gotten bigger...and busier! Life as a Pastor's Wife has continued...and stayed busy! And, a little over a year ago, I became a Disney Vacation Planner for Crazy Imagination Travel!!!
I am having SO much fun planning MAGICAL vacations for families...and I would love to add you to my list! If you've ever thought about going to Disney World, Disneyland, on a Disney Cruise, to Disney Aulani or on a trip by Adventures by Disney, I'm your girl!!! I help you navigate through all of the details of a Disney vacation and make it fun and stress free! I also plan trips to Universal so that your Harry Potter fan can experience the most incredible Wizarding World!
Since our company is a certified Disney Vacation Planning Company, my services are COMPLETELY FREE TO YOU! You can do all of the hard work OR let me do it for you...for FREE! No strings attached!! Please contact me at any time and let me help you plan the most magical trip! I can't wait!!!
Please visit my website, follow me on Instagram (@helpingCinderella), follow me on Facebook and/or send me an email! ( I promise you'll be so glad you did! Have a MAGICAL DAY!
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
ThePoeTrio Goes To School
Nowadays, I am crazy aware that I have three children! (And also crazy aware that his blog is ALMOST a thing of the past!) Life is non-stop busy and full of fun and crazy. But, today, I have three children in school! Even though one of them will only be there twice a week...they're still ALL in school! It's the STRANGEST feeling to be in my house...doing laundry, planning Disney trips and eating lunch without anyone around.
Gloriously strange.
I sure miss them when they're away...but, I'm excited for the start of a season where I get some time to get things complete without my little Velcro...or two rowdy little boys around. ...But, just for a little while. Because I've sure checked my watch a million times...and can't wait to pick them all up!
Praise Jesus that I love to be around them all...and Praise Jesus that they all love school...and still love coming home...and still REALLY love their Momma!
{And praise Jesus for iPhones...because how would we EVER have pics of our kids without them these days!}
I can't believe this baby boy of mine just started 5th grade! An official pre-teen and looking bigger every single day!
My Nasher Noo started my favorite grade this year...and his freckle faced and big-boy toothed self is going to love every minute! He LOVES school and loves being around all of his friends. 

And this baby girl of mine has been counting the days until it was HER turn to go to school! She couldn't wait and woke up excited to take Alli with her to their first day of school. When I told her I was sure going to miss her, she grabbed my face and whispered...""Don't worry, Momma. I'll come back...everyday!" I can't wait to hear every single detail of her day! And, goodness I'm thankful that's she's only going 2 days a week!
Sunday, January 22, 2017
6. {Nash Baylor Poe}
Silly. Charming. Fun. Busy. Sensitive. There's no way to sum you up! It's amazing to me that God can give me two boys that are SO different...but, I'm so glad He did.
You are full of life and always moving. After a full day at Kindergarten, you come home to immediately start some game that includes a ball! You either create your own game or want to shoot hoops or kick the soccer ball into the goal. You've played soccer and basketball since Kinder has begun and are about to try flag football. You're also in Running Club with you Bubba. I'm afraid you're going to want to play them all...there just aren't enough hours in the day!
I'm not surprised but am so thankful that you LOVE Kindergarten. It's so fun having you and Quinn at the same school this does something good for my Momma heart to know you're both under the same roof. You're growing and learning so much...and are really reading now! Your teacher sings your praises about your writing and even awarded you with the Cool Cougar award during the 2nd 9 weeks of school. She said that you are loving and kind to everyone and have a good attitude every day. That makes us more proud that you can imagine.
Anywhere you go, you're the life of the party. Your personality is magnetic and people seem to flock to you. You're kind and fun and clearly very loved. I thought it would end with Preschool, but the "I'm going to marry Nash" talks from little girls have continued. It cracks us up!
At home, you can be quite the handful...pestering and loud and busy, like I said before. But, in the next breath, you're the most helpful of the bunch!...Always willing to do anything to help Bliss or me. If I make it a game or am a part of it with you, you're almost always on board...even if it means cleaning the banisters or unloading the dishwasher. You're the official "bug getter" in our house. You have no fear and are so proud when you get the job done.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that you're only 6. Because you're so big and so responsible, I often forget. Your sensitive self comes out at times and you'd cuddle all day long. You want to hold my hand ALL of the time when we're out and about. You don't like getting in usually brings you to tears. You are already eating us out of house and home...I'm amazed at your appetite. You for sure eat more than I do! You truly are a bottomless pit.I love watching your relationship with the Lord grow! You're asking some BIG questions and have prayed to ask Jesus to live in your heart! We're reading a book with you now, but I'm certain you'll be ready to be baptized soon. May you always love Him and never, ever doubt!!! That's my prayer for you!
You love orange and all things BB-8. Sports are your love...right next to stuffed animals. You sleep with too many to count. (But, Tigey...your tiger, is your very favorite!) Clothes matter to you. You change multiple times a day and have to look just right. You look in the mirror a lot. ;) You love McDonald's and candy and root beer and your family!
For years, I've told you that you make things more fun! And, I have a feeling it will forever be the truth. I can't imagine life without you, Nasher Noo. Thank you for all you do to make me laugh, truly help me and remind me how much you love me! You are a joy...a hoot...and you (and your dimples) have my heart!
I love, so much!!!Momma
2.5 {Bliss Mabry Poe}
Bliss Mabry Poe,
My sweet Lovey Lou Lou. Two and a half has come and gone and it all seems to be going too fast. I find myself counting down the semesters until you go to Kindergarten and it's not enough...and it hurts my heart! So I'm going to try to focus on one day at a time and soak in all of your girly cuteness as much as I can.
I love our days together. We have so much fun and, for the most part, you're such a good little girl. Sure I get very little done when we're both home...but, these are THOSE days, right? When we aren't at home watching Peppa, eating Gunguh or playing with princess or dolls or in your kitchen, we love to shop! You get excited when we go to the mall and are SO MUCH FUN! At the mall, the carousel and Disney Store are a must...and I love them both as much as you do.
Wednesdays are always ballet days and they're our favorite. You love to go to dance and are so darling in your pink tutu with all of your ballet friends. Thursdays we go to BSF and you love that too. You always eagerly tell me what you learned about Jesus and about your friends. I love our days together.
Thankfully you're still a good napper. You usually go down for a nap right after lunch and I usually have to wake you at about 2:45 so that we can go get Bubbas from school. Now that you're potty training (and doing pretty great), getting out of the house seems near impossible. I always want to make sure you go before we're in the long car-rider line.
You're in the quotable stage and it's too much fun! Some of my favorites are when I tell you you don't need something and you'll respond with "Yes My Do!" I also love that you recently told me all about how "Daddy died the ant!" You were so glad he got rid of that yucky bug. Your long conversations are so darling...I try to catch it on camera but you catch on quick. You are so expressive and use your hands when you talk. Such a chatty girly!
In a nutshell, you're a terrible eater. You go few places without Alli, your pink bear. You have the sweetest, raspiest voice. You have an opinion about what you wear and only want to wear dresses. Pink is your VERY favorite color and you tell us ALL of the time. You're not a very good sharer. You think you're way bigger than 2 1/2. But, you make it clear that you ARE 2 1/2 when you tell people how old you are. You love puppies, purses, beans and princesses. Your Bubbas hung the moon in your eyes and really do so much to help you/entertain you. You're still tiny for your age...and I kinda love it. You can be quite clingy...and a handful at times...needing Momma and fussing about the silliest things. I guess it's part of being two.
But, goodness, how I love you. You're a dream come true and such a blessing. Thank you for giving me a new reason to love pink, glitter, princesses and all things girly!
You're my favorite girl!! And I love you most!
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