Once you have kids, you quickly understand the difference between a “vacation” and a “trip!” I’m pretty sure Matt and I haven’t been on a vacation since Quinn was born…but, we’d never trade the memories that our trips hold.
In July, we added another trip-full of memories to the list. Thanks to Mammer, we were road trip ready…And, thanks to not-so-great tires, we were road trip ready in Matt’s little CR-V. We were cozy, but it made for more of those trip memories I was talking about…
Our first stop was to Matt’s Auntie Ev’s house for some family fun. Lots of Matt’s fam was in town from here, there and everywhere, and we got to spend a few days playing with them. We swam, ate and laughed…
And wrangled lots of children…
Are there too many kids in Auntie Ev’s tub? Nah!!!
After visited my beloved Kami to get some much needed highlights, we were on our way to the Ross'’ to get ready for Uncle Brooks’ Rehearsal Dinner. The priss went with us…and was quite the cutie, if I do say so myself. Thankfully, even though the trip was full, it wasn’t too full to spend time with some of our favorites. As much as I wish we still lived close by, I doubt we’d ever have family slumber parties if we lived down the street. It sure makes for some fun times! We’re so thankful they’re always so willing to let us invade their space when we come in town.
On Friday, it was time to get wedding ready…my, oh my…dressing a girly is always going to be fun…
We said “see ya later” to our buddies and headed to the ceremony…
The back row of the wedding was a bit of a circus, but we survived and Uncle Brooks married the sweetest girl. Chasity was a stunning bride and we are so happy for them both!
ThePoeFam and Mr. & Mrs. Tyler…
It was 3 nights of crazy, but we made it and headed back home as soon as the reception ended. Thankful for memories…thankful for family…and friends that are like family!
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