Tuesday, June 02, 2015

{12 months of Bliss Mabry Poe}

How does it happen in a blink and feel like forever at the same time? Regardless of the strange complexity of time, it happened before my eyes. My sweet Sister Sue went from a tiny, flailing newborn to a not-so-tiny {but still pretty itty bitty} cake eating big girl. Take a look at my waltz down memory lane. 

6  7  89  10  11

12 months old 006

Bliss 037  12 months old 044
On my Gackey’s dresser…same bow, same diaper cover…
Bliss 007  12 months old 055

And, the AMAZING Chelle Cates Photography did it AGAIN! She captured my birthday girl so preciously perfect! {P.S. Chelle just opened a new studio and it’s amazing! You need to contact her and get on the books ASAP!!!}
 002003004006007008009010011013Bliss 001Bliss 002Bliss 003Bliss 005Bliss 006Bliss 008Bliss 009Bliss 011Bliss 013

And, one more sweet flashback…because, this crown (and the girly wearing it) will forever melt me! Let’s go ahead and fast-forward to senior pictures and CRY at the thought!!! Bliss 011Bliss 004

Bliss 016

I can’t say that I missed a minute. Or that I didn’t soak up every memory! I did…and I’ll forever be thankful!

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