VBS week has become one that I continue to look forward to each year. And, the Colossal Coaster World theme was one that we were all pretty excited about! Since I volunteered again this year, both my my sweet boys were able to attend. Quinn was with the “big kids” and Nash with the littles. Everything about the week was precious…and, I always love the music my boys put to memory SO quickly! The truths that those songs tell are priceless…along with the scriptures that are memorized and stories that are told. It’s such a great week that is building an amazing spiritual foundation for so many!
{Nash’s best buddy, Christopher…)
{I caught my big boy praying during the opening ceremony…}
{and peeking…}
{Q was so excited to bring his buddy, Dane, with him this year…}
{One of the highlights of each morning was seeing if boys or girls won the offering weigh-in! From the audience, you can see that the boys were the final victors. I had one happy guy!!!…}
{Our first grade crafts team…so fun…}
{On Friday night, we came back for the program and carnival. There’s something about watching my boy sing praises to Jesus. Melts me, for sure…}
{Time to party…carnival games, face paint and rides…I love this part of our VBS! Such a celebration!…}
{The finale of our time there was the BIG ride. I had two nervous little guys…but they wanted to do it! I LOVE these pics…even though I was a complete wreck while they rode. I was so scared that one of them was going to be sick! I don’t think I have the most daring little guys in the world!…But, there were SO proud and excited that they had done it!!!)
{Celebrating how AWESOME it was…}
{So thankful to have participated in this precious week with my dudes this week!…}
And, about a week later, Nash was a little fearful of something! Within moments, Quinn ran to the drawer to grab a pencil and paper…found a quiet spot and wrote this for him. It was his key verse from VBS…and, it truly humbled me that he thought to encourage his baby brother with God’s Truth! Once again, I am so very thankful for the truths that VBS teaches our little ones and the eternal impact it makes! WOW!
What a great week! Quinn's writing scripture for his brother is the sweetest :) Wish I was so quick to recall God's Word when I'm stressed!
What an awesome week indeed! I am so impressed with the way you taught your kids about faith. You really did a great job! Your kids are amazing and I just know that they will have a bright and incredible future ahead of them.
#1--I love that you were on the crafts team with Fauchier. I bet y'all laughed a lot.
#2-The boys' faces on that ride are priceless.
#3-Be still my heart! Quinn's encouragement to Nash is amazing. Love it.
I am catching up, but I sooooo loved teaching with you again this year! I loved too our late night dinner at Taco Bueno and we simply must do it again bc it was too much fun and my children adore your boys. We can start working on that arranged marriage ;-). Ps next year warn me per picture day so I can prepare
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