My sweet Quinn Davis Poe,
So…here it is…your 5 (and almost 1/2) year old letter AND my sentimental attempt to capture you before you start “Big Boy School!” It’s hard to believe that our Endless Summer is coming to an end. I know there will be tears and a little bit of heartbreak for this Momma, but I am SO very excited for the new chapter in your life to begin!
But, for the next few days, I’m going to cherish you being my sweet pre-schooler.
You are FULL of energy and FULL of life! I recently joked that you must be an X-Man and that your power is that you NEVER get tired. You’ll play and play and play!!!…Sword fighting, ninjas, legos, checkers, Imaginext, riding your scooter, dressing up in your made up mixes of stuff, playing games on our phone, X-box with Daddy or on your DS. You are constantly wanting to DO something. Resting is NOT your thing…and, truth be told, you don’t need it.
And on that note….”SLEEP” can often be a four-letter word around here. You’re struggling…so, Mommy and Daddy are too! You often have a really hard time falling asleep because you’re scared…usually of something that you saw that we never could have controlled! (P.S. I HATE Paranorman movie posters!!!) We have tried everything and you KNOW that Jesus is with you…but, you often get frustrated because you’re still scared. You’ll come to us and say, “I’ve been praying, but I’m still scared!” Bless your heart. Then, after you finally fall asleep, staying asleep is another thing. We’ve taught you scriptures and given you SO many things to do in the middle of the night if you wake up (like eating a piece of sugar free candy and quoting “Taste and See that the Lord is good”), but those tricks all worked for short amounts of time. So, NOW, you’re sleeping in the guest bedroom (you feel that it’s closer) and, if you come in our room in the night, we try to get you to go back to your bed a few times before we give in and let you sleep on your “pilot” (pallet) in our room. We’re praying for you always and feeling that it may be some sort of spiritual battle. Jesus has your heart and the devil just isn’t happy about it!
You wake up READY to talk and go to bed still talking! I love to have conversations with you…even though you truly NEVER stop talking. You always have SO much to tell me! Surely you’ll get a “4” on the writing portion of your test when you’re in 3rd grade…you’re SO good at the details! But, as soon as I think you’re soooo big, when I pay attention to your little lisp, it brings me back to reality!
You’re silly! You love to tell jokes and make people laugh. You love to dance silly and make funny faces. And, you have a great sense of humor. People can make you laugh easily!! Because of that, you’re fun to be around. You’re a good friend…you’re aware of other’s needs and you’re quick to ask them if they’re ok if they get hurt or are sad. We love how compassionate you are. You’re obedient. It’s so rare that you get in trouble…and, if you do, it’s because you just can’t calm down or you argue because you don’t want to do something. (like wear a “button shirt!”) I think I say the words “enough” and “just be” multiple times throughout our day. I’d definitely not call you low maintenance…you have a plan…and often want help seeing it out. (be it a game you want to play, a question you want answered or a snack you need right now!)
You love to learn. You’re constantly asking questions…and good ones. Your retention is amazing and your memory rivals your Mammer. It’s crazy how you remember things from SO long ago…and details that were so tiny. It’s fun reliving things with you…and we’re always surprised at things you remember as we’re driving down the road and you see something that sparks a memory.
You’re an AMAZING big brother. You are SO good to Nash and he looks up to you more than you’ll probably ever realize. It’s always a “monkey see…monkey do” scenario around here. I love to watch y’all play, hear you have conversations and take care of each other. Even though you fight over things and you get annoyed with him being in your special stuff, most of the times y’all play so well together! I’m so glad for you both to have a forever, built in, best buddy! Just yesterday you said, “When I grow up I’m gunna live close to you but I’m gunna live WITH Nash, ok, Momma!?” It melted my heart! You have such a great imagination. You’re super into numbers and counting right now. You don’t mind watching “Nash’s shows!” Your favorite places to eat are “Old McDonald’s”, the new, fancy Wendy’s, Sonic and Texas Roadhouse! You love to cuddle up in a blanket. You still can’t pedal a bicycle and don’t really have a desire to master it. Your eyes truly sparkle. You have no modesty. You’re good at picking up your things. You hate having your hair fixed. You always think you need dessert after every meal. You hum and sing while you play. You don’t love to color. You are in awe of your “grown up friends” in Daddy’s youth group. You’re really starting to get the hang of reading. You are affectionate. You’re beautiful. And, you’re still such a perfect little part of our family!
Lately, we have been extra intentional of telling you JUST how proud we are of you and why! And, I hope you never, ever doubt it! You are so very loved, Quinn Davis Poe and I am so thankful that I get the amazing privilege of being your Mommy!!!
I love you through and through!!!
1 comment:
I cried at the pool the other day because Cody is growing up so fast. They will be driving before you know it. I love the celebration. Your boys are adorable.
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