A few weeks before we left for our trip, I found out about “The Pirates League!” Basically, it is the Princess Dress-up equivalent for boys! I was SUPER excited and immediately called to book our spot. Sadly, there were no spots to be had. I called 3 or 4 times…begging…with no luck! I had to remind myself often to GET OVER IT…but I was so sad that Q was going to miss out on such a fun experience.
Then, right after we went on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, I went over to the desk to try one more time! Once again…no luck! :( So sad. But…in my last ditch effort, I sent Slickpaw over to work his magic. And, in true Slickpaw form, he had them wrapped around his finger (with ALL of the pirates calling him “Slickpaw”) and we had an appointment for Quinn at 2:00! I was ELATED!!!!
When 2:00 rolled around, we surprised Quinn and took him to sign in. Within moments, he was whisked into the crazy pirate world to choose his name and begin his transformation. First step was to spin the wheel to roll the box that held the dice that would tell him his very own pirate name. With the numbers on the dice (and by looking up his birthday in the official book), he was given his name…
Edward Calico Cash!
Pretty pirate-like and perfect, if you ask me!
Then, we waited and played in the “transformation room” as we watched other little boys and girls become pirates.
Finally, we heard Gina Marie call “Edward Calico Cash” to one of the chairs. And, in no time, he was starting to look like a rough and tough pirate. He was pretty serious throughout the whole thing…not quite sure what to think about the make-up and her talking to him like he was a REAL pirate. (I’m serious when I say that they NEVER break character!)
After Edward “ok'ed” his look, (complete with batch, bandana and earring) it was time to get serious about the pirate oath he had to repeat. It was long…and hilarious…and Q hung in until the end…repeating every word!
After finishing with a hearty “YO HO,” he was taken to get his sash and sword.
And, the transformation was COMPLTE! He was a REAL pirate…and, trust me when I say that he BELIVED it!
The last stop was to knock on a BIG door and be let in the secret room to see the captain’s secret library! No pictures were allowed…but it was cool…and Q was a bit in shock…and a little terrified of his shadow for some reason! ha. But, the professional pic that they took was darling and we left The Pirates League feeling so thankful to have gotten to participate in such a fun experience! Good job, Slickpaw!
Needless to say, Edward Calico Cash was EXHAUSTED! What a day already!!! We got a little ice cream pick-me-up and a beautiful view of the castle and the second wind came fast.
Quinn was anxious to ride It’s a Small World …so we made our way to FantasyLand to get in line. After only about 15 minutes, we were sitting comfortably in our boat to make the trip through the magical little world.
I expected that my boys would enjoy it, but I didn’t get close to guessing just HOW much they would love it. Q wanted me to take pictures of EVERYTHING and was so joyful throughout the whole thing! And, Nash was just as darling…smiling…pointing…dancing! It was a precious and perfect memory!
Then, right next door was Mickey’s PhilarMagic. The no wait time sold us and we had MORE fun seeing the amazing 3D movie! I was shocked by some of the things that happened…so stinkin’ cute! Quinn loved it so much that he, Mammer and Slickpaw watched it again while Matt, Nash and I walked around for a bit.
By that time, we felt that it was time to call it a day. It was almost supper time and we were hot and tired.
“Perfect” doesn’t seem to quite describe our day! It was a magical first day…and we were so thankful that there were so many amazing times ahead of us.
Back at the condo, we ate and let the boys play for a while. Q had an absolute blast playing with all of his pirate sussies. And, Nash was just happy to crawl around for a while.
{At the end of everyday, I’m going to do a little “recap chart.” I’ll list what we did…a few of my notes about it…and how I would rate it on a scale of 1-10. The rating will be based on MY family and on our enjoyment of it…with a 4 year old and an infant. This will also help me remember what I want to do the next time we visit! :) }
Recap of Day 1 @ Magic Kingdom: | My notes | Rating |
Stitch’s Great Escape | cute but a little scary, be sure to see movie before you come(that helped Q enjoy this ride) | 5 |
Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin | I sat this one out but Quinn enjoyed it, fun & interactive…one that I feel would get more fun each time | 7 |
“Dream Along with Mickey” Show | DARLING! Perfect show to see LOTS of characters…but hot…have water before you watch | 9 |
Pirates of the Caribbean | Classic and great! A little scary & very dark…but, my pirate lover still loved it! | 9 |
Captain Jack’s Pirate Tutorial | Funny. Quinn liked being a part of it. | 7 |
Jungle Safari | Cheesy…don’t wait long…but fun for little ones. | 5 |
Country Bear Jamboree | Another classic…great place to cool off! Funny music! | 8 |
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad | I loved it…Q thought it was too fast. He might like it more next time. | 6 |
The Pirates League | PRECIOUS!!! Great details. But, it costs extra. (Anywhere from $30-70ish) | 10 |
It’s a Small World | Classic!!! A must do!!! | 9 |
Mickey’s PhilarMagic | So cute…you’ll be surprised, too! We all enjoyed this one. | 8 |
seriously... would love to get my hands on y'alls shirts for our trip to WDW in october. how cute if the pirate one also came on pink with a bow attached to the bandana? just saying... so our whole family could 'match'.
side note: jungle cruise is my husband's favorite ride (after pirate's). he actually dreams about someday being a 'tour guide' as his post-retirement gig.
man i need to print these for our trip one day! so nice of you to do these for people! I wanted to leave a quick comment to say, it cracks me up but Quinn looks more like your husband than he ever has to me with all of that pirate makeup on! Too funny!
I read your blog often but have never commented. Your pics and stories make me chuckle. Even though I do not know you personally I enjoy reading about a mom and dad that love each other, their children, and family so much.
It's refreshing!
The Magic Kingdom really does live up to its MAGICAL name. But what I want to know is....What in the world did Slickpaw say to charm his little Quinn into such a popular Magic Kingdom activity? And...can I take him along with my family on our next trip to work his magic for us???
Can you tell me where you got the matching yellow shirts with Mickey in shades? Love them!
We are going in August and this is so great to read and prepare! We already have our reservation for the Pirates League! Yay!
Hi Kaylee,
My husband actually designed those! :) If you message me at my Piddle Store (http://www.etsy.com/shop/piddledesigns) and let me know how many you would be needing and what sizes, I can get you a quote! :) We can easily change the shirt color as well! ....Y'all are going to have a blast!
Disney World is my favorite place on earth. I probably shouldn't admit this, but I have been 26 times in my 28 years, and reading your posts make me smile from ear to ear the longer I read. I could almost leave your blog open all day to just feel the magic from the songs you have added. Hearing SpectroMagic makes me feel I am walking down Main Street. Thank you for all of your detail posts because it is so much fun to watch your adorable family enjoy a place I love so much!! I can't wait to keep reading, and love that you enjoyed it as much as I do! I am sure I will love it even more with kids of my own. So fun!
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