Wednesday, April 21, 2010


dv236055 Hey blogging world!!!
In between now and Baby Nash’s arrival, I thought I’d use all of your amazing knowledge and wisdom to ask some questions about products/expectations/favorites/etc. I had a “first time mom” email me a survey to answer some of these questions, and it made me curious to ask the same ones! :) So, if you have an answer, please respond! I’d love to hear what you think!!!

Question #1:

What was a product(s) that you and
your baby couldn’t have lived without?


The Penuels said...

Video Monitor! We didn't have one with Chap, but we have LOVED it with Cole. Instead of me rushing in at the first whimper (aka: with my first child), I look to see that sometimes he is just making himself comfortable. SO helpful!

Kate said...

Our Moby wrap. Asher slept in it A LOT (was sometimes the only thing that would settle him) and it was great to have him so close and comfy. It is also a lot more comfortable than any other carrier.
Also, Aden and Anais swaddling blankets.

kristin fulghum said...

bouncy seat & swing! she loves both of them.

Jennifer said...

I actually just did a post on this today! How funny! Here's the link:

The Kovash Family said...

Angelcare Sensor Monitor, Butt paste, aspirator, and the swing!

Jen said...

The Boppy Pillow!!! And, the Moby Wrap. :)

Ryan and Carrie said...

We LOVED the Wubba Nub pacifier and Miracle Swaddling Blanket! Just thinking of them brings back great memories!

Jennifer said...

We couldn't live without the video monitor. We also loved the boppy!

Laura said...

I have two...sorry. Swaddle blankets and our video monitor!!

Martha said...

The swaddle blanket and the Bumbo seat!

Brianna said...

I love the swaddle blanket. However, two of my LOVED being swaddled and the other 2 did not like it at all. I had so many cute pink ones for Emerson and gave them all away because she was totally a tummy sleeper and hated being swaddled and laid on her back.

My other must have was my sling. I would not classify myself as a babywearing momma but as a busy mom of 4- I used it because we are always on the go. It is great for going to the park, kids ball games, even the mall and store because then you can "wear" the baby and still only use the single stroller for big brother. Emerson is light as a feather so I still use it often and wear her on my hip instead of having to carry her.

KSullie said...

Most definitely California Baby Diaper Area Spray. It smells good, is natural and I became addicted to it...spray it every time my son has a dirty diaper. Keeps him so clean between baths.
AND, Alba Un Petroleum Jelly. Its the best thing for booboo's, diaper rash, etc. I put it on anything red and it works like a miracle every time!! You can even put it on chapped lips.

Irina said...

Moses Basket and her little blankie (we didn't use a paci with her). She would grab her little blankie and suck on her finger (self soothing-the key to a good night sleep)!! Whereas, our son would wake up several times a night looking for his paci that he would lose in the bed.
The Moses basket was great because it made her feel enclosed, safe and cozy, rather than being in a big crib with a lot of open space around her.

Oh also, Burt's Bees Diaper ointment. It works in hours - heals miraculously!

Kimberley said...

Just popped by, thought I'd list my favorites: Flanders Diaper Cream, swaddle blanket, white-noise CD. Ours was a CD of a hair-dryer. I'd put that on repeat and our son would sleep all night. This was a life-saver the first few months! We are expecting #2 in June, and I plan to pull that CD out. HA! :0

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

our fisher price mobile on Titus' bed! we just had to take it down because he stands up and pulls on the characters. he's getting big. it was the coolest thing ever.

i'm not sure what else i couldn't live without...i really loved Mustella's products. They smelled amazing.....

V-n-J said...

* boppy pillow, bumbo, mei tai (LOVE IT!) and diaper champ.

* snap n go - wish we had it the first time around as well.

* a comfortable chair or rocker is an absolute must if you're nursing!

Kristin McNeil said...

snap n go stroller
video monitor
nasal clear baby aspirator

Jennifer said...

With baby number 2 it's my moby wrap! Love it! And I have free hands to help my daughter when she needs it.

Other favs I'm sure you already have, boppy, bumbo, swing!, aquaphor, bert's bees products, and my nursery comfy gliding chair to nurse in. I've slept quite a few hours there too!

The Myers said...

Definitely our video monitor. Worth every penny.

Erin said...

Aquaphor for rashes, our glider rocker, and a plush blanket ... all were musts in our house!

Melodie said...

itzbeen timer. we became addicts and probably used it way too long. but now it is put away and waiting for baby #3.

The Rodriguez Crew said...

Rockabye Baby Coldplay cd (you can get lots of artists), Jagger STILL listens to this every nap, and every bedtime.

Kelli said...

Boppy, papasan swing, first year tub, hooter hider, and soothies for nursing (for the mama)!

Megan said...

My Medela double pump, swaddle blankets, and the moby

traci527 said...

The one thing I used the most with both of my babies was the papasan swing. funny thing is I convinced myself I didn't need a swing.

amy said...

Ditto on many of the items already mentioned.

If she's breastfeeding--the Boppy!
If she's going back to work, the Medela Pump in Style. It's awesome. I probably wouldn't pay that much for a pump if I wasn't using it twice a day five days a week though!

I was a real diaper snob and always used Pampers but then I discovered Target brand diapers. They are great for my kids and the blue and green polka dot design is cute (make great diaper cakes/wreaths). They are also only about $14 a box!

angelica said...

My favs were:

*the moby wrap

*the video monitor

*Madela steam bags (for the microwave!) LOVED THIS!!!

*Boogie wipes (they contain saline and they warm up in your hands so you can dab their little nose so they can breath better during allergy/cold season.

robineilene said...

Since everyone else has already mentioned all the "big" things, I'm gonna go simple here and say: Gripe water!

I buy the Little Tummy's brand and it is perfect for those newborn tummy (gas) pains and hiccups, colic, fussiness, etc.

The best kept secret in my opinion! :)

Hayley said...

an itzbeen! it is a MUST!

The Gillaspie Family said...

My Joovy girls are about 3 years apart, and I don't know what I would do without it!!!

schwalka said...

Target diapers for sure!! I have 3 boys who were such diaper leakers, i guess because they have tiny little tushes? anyway, target diapers have the stretchy tabs like pampers and the stretchy back of huggies. best of both worlds! and they are cute (blue and green polka dots) and CHEAP. no diaper rashes for any of my munchkins from them.

also, hooter hider, medela steam bags, swaddle blankets and sleep sacks.

Marissa said...

MIRACLE BLANKET! It was heaven...had my baby sleeping through the night in no time!

Love your blog :)

Marla said...

I just had a baby 3 months ago....I also have a 2 and a half year old. Fisher-Price has this new product out called the Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper. It meets industry safety standards for a bassinet and allows for their heads to be elevated. It seems to keep them 'cozy' and is great for a baby with reflux. For pictures, you can visit my blog here { }

I love this product so much I had to do a whole blog post about it! :)

jamielblev said...

Boudreauxs butt paste, gas drops and white noise sound machine for the crib.

S, J, B, & S said...

Video monitor is a must have! Also the AngelCare monitor! Ummm ... what else? Love our Bumbleride Indie Twin! I think I've "sold" about 7 friends on it too. :) OH, and I recently heard about an awesome new swaddle blanket - the Woombie!

annalee said...

one thing? haha, how about a few:)

the sleep sheep!!!!!!!!!

aden and anais blankets
(big enough to swaddle my chubby babies when nothing else fits around them right, plus work great as travel pack and play sheets, and so much more)

halo sleepsacks

video monitor

itz been timer

and last but certainly not least... moby wrap

Natalie said...

I have to say my "must have" with Doak was a moby wrap! I never really wore Addie as a baby but I used the moby multiple times a day for months with Doak! I plan use it again with baby #3-in fact I'll have to buy another because I gave mine to a friend but it's worth the money to buy it again!

Steph said...

It's a little late but...Fisher Price Soothing Motions Glider!!!

Clay Burchett said...

I loved my Angel Care Monitor and my SlingSet! Such a must with a snuggly baby that doesn't want to be put down :)

amy said...

Chiming back in to say Gilligan O'Malley nursing tanks from Target. They are comfortable and inexpensive. (They're from Target...need I say more?) Lived in them for the first few weeks around the house...especially with my summer baby (Noah).

RMRR said...

I'm no pro, but I loved my bebe bottle sling, gripe water, and my hotsling. Congrats on the new baby...Quinn will be a natural at being a good big brother.