Friday, December 04, 2009

The First Texas Snow of the Season

On Wednesday morning, we looked out the window, and guess what we saw!?!? SNOW!!!… On the ground, on the roofs, and falling from the sky! We were shocked and Quinn was ecstatic. He kept saying, “It’s raining SNOW!” and, “YAY! It’s CHRSITMASTIME!!!” …So, we waited patiently for Daddy to get ready and FINALLY went outside to play in the pitiful amount of slush that was still left. Regardless of the lack of fluff, Quinn had TOO much fun…throwing snowballs slushballs at Daddy, Mommy and Thomas! And, our little, pitiful, Texas snow brought lots of joy!!! We’ll take what we can get! snow and more 006 snow and more 007

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Gotta love our Texas snow gear: jammies, rainboots and a pretty cozy jacket that got very little wear last year!…

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Anonymous said...

Where did you get the Thomas train in the yard?

Christa said...

Cute blog!! Your little boy is adorable!! I go to A&M and we got some snow on Friday...I was so excited!