I've always liked to read, but lately I've LOVED having a series to go through! I love getting to know the characters and being able to know that it's not over after the first book!...
First, for a mindless treat, I read these...

...and I loved them! Rebecca Bloomwood was a hilarious character and I loved following her through her many different stages of life. They were easy reads, but I didn't have the "oh my gosh, I can't put this down" feeling! (which is good for me!) ...I was definitely sad when the series ended and I couldn't see what trouble she got into next. Maybe Sophie Kinsella should do a series about Becky's baby growing up and going to college...and being little shopaholic of her own! :) {P.S. I DID NOT like the movie...I was so excited to rent it, and was SO super disappointed with the fact that it was NOTHING like the books. So, we turned it off before it was finished. Annoying!!!}
Then, along with all of the 12 year old girls in the world, I became OBSESSED with these!...

I mean OBSESSED! And, don't you dare knock it until you've read it!!! :) These books are FOR REAL amazing! They are the "oh my gosh, I can't put this down" kind! ... Especially the first and fourth ones! I think I read the 1st one in 2 days, the 2nd two drug on a little more, and the 4th one I finished in about a week and a half. Oh, how I could sit and talk for hours about Edward and Bella! I was SO sad when I read the last page at the pool today! What am I going to do with all of my spare time now? ... I did hear that Stephenie Meyer is for sure going to publish the 5th one{Midnight Sun}, but I don't think it will be until next year.

It's going to be the beginning of the story from Edward's perspective! I can't wait!!! And, I must say that I did enjoy the first movie! Sure, they left some things out, but I felt that they did a good job portraying the characters how I had seen them in my mind. I can't wait to see the new one in October...and I'm already anxious to see how they'll pull of the 4th one! WOW!
So, my question for you is...WHAT SHOULD I READ NOW? I don't want to be too sad or too scared...and I would love a series, but it doesn't have to be! I'd love your suggestions to take me through the rest of the summer! I'll be impressed if anything can top these! :)
i loved shopaholic as well, but hated the movie. did you know that sophie kinsella has some more books that are good, easy reads too. the undomestic goddess and can you keep a secret. i like both of those. also, have you read emily griffin books. she has some good ones. my fave though is jodi picoult. most of hers are good. sorry, no series though.
okay...if you're looking for something fun, you need to read Bergdorf Blondes & Debutante Divorcee {both by Plum Sykes}...SO good!!!!! You'd absolutely love them!! Miss you, friend!
Okay, so it doesn't have to be over yet...go online and read the first few chapters of midnight sun...it'sAAAMMMAAAAZING! Make you love Edward even more, but yet again, sad when it's over in a couple of hours. Also finished reading her next book The Host and I enjoyed it too!
Have you read any by Mary Higgins Clark? What about the book Redeeming Love? Let's see, Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner is good.
you just inspired me to pick up a book/series again! i've got to get back on a literary kick.
and as I read this post, it took me right back to my Sweet Valley High days!!
Ok, so I just read the first Twilight book and Dena is going to let me borrow the other 3 and I can't wait to read the rest!!!!
I also just read My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Piccoult (because i want to go see the movie) and it was really good, surprisingly.
I also was recommended the Baxter series by Karen Kingsbury and I read the first one and loved it! It's called Redemption - very good! And, it's a long series - maybe 5 books total?
I also really liked Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella.
Let me know what the next book you decide on is and if you like it!!!
I recommend reading some of the classics. How about Pilgrims Progress or Augustine's Confessions.
You've probably already read them, but Francine Rivers Mark of the Lion series is AMAZING... and not hokey Christiany either.
I agree with the Emily Griffin books...so great! And if you like mysteries/detective books, I LOVE the Woman's Murder Club series by James Patterson.
What about the "True Blood" series of books since you like vampire tales. I haven't read them but would like to. They look really good. I started "The Undomestic Goddess." I think I'm a prude or something b/c while it's cute and fluffy, it is vulgar. I LOVED "The Other Boleyn Girl" by Philipa Gregory...hated the movie, adored the book. I couldn't put it down...
Hey! I have to agree with some of the other girls... I LOVE Emily Griffin books, "Something Borrowed", "Something Blue"& "Baby Proof"- so, so good!!! I am reading her fourth book, "Love the One You're With" right now.
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is also a favorite!!!
There are so many books that I just love... let me know if want more recommendations! Don't you love summer reading!!!???
Brennan Manning...different type of books than you are currently talking about, but he is my fav author, and I even named my son after him. Ragamuffin Gospel is my fav by him.
I LOVED the Twilight series also!!! SO GOOD!! I read them all in a little over 2 weeks. Didn't get a thing done around the house while I was reading them!! Go to Stephanie Meyer's website and you can read part of the 5th book online. It is really good...but definitely ends way too soon! :(
First let me explain who I am...I'm Dena's sister, Shani. I was on her page and saw your update and I LOVE TO READ so it caught my eye. Actually, I'm a reading maniac. I've read most of what others have posted...all very good. I did want to add that my best friend just got me on a series that I can not put down. It's the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. They are hilarious. It's about this girl, Stephanie Plum, who becomes a bounty hunter in New Jersey and she's going on all these crazy hunts. It's got enough suspense to keep you going but not scary. The 15th one just came out. They are pretty short and easy reads. My personal fave is James Patterson but he can be kind of scary. Good luck and happy reading!
Hey girlie! Loved Twilight, I really loved the first few the best but can't wait to read about Edward's new novel! Anyway, I loved Harry Potter. I don't really know if I can see you reading that thought. I thought silly at first but it's very clever and unique. There are seven books, you probably already know all this. I loved Twilight and Edward but Harry Potter is deeper and not as predictable. Hugs!
I LOVED Shopaholic too!! I also liked her book Remember Me. If you want a very funny series to read you have to experience a series by Janet Evanovich. Its a Stephanie Plum series. She is a bounty hunter and she is a total nut!!! I read her books in about 2 days but I'm a constant reader. She has 15 books in the series so far and each one is just toooooo funny. Her first book in the series is called One for the Money. Most are in paperback now so they are not expensive.
Let me know what you think.
The Stephanie Plum series is good - cartoony, light and fun. Try the Sue Grafton 'alphabet mysteries.' The lead character is Kinsey Millhone, a twice divorced female private investigator in southern California. Sue's an amazing writer, never formulaic, and always well-paced. "A is for Alibi" is the first in the series, but "H is for Homicide" has always been my favorite. She's writing "U is for..." now, so there are 20 mysteries published already.
Have you read Karen Kingsbury? She's awesome and addictive...some of her books are series and some are not.
First I will "second" a few of the aforementioned suggestions. That way you'll be able to say "I've heard from several people these are good!"
The Redemption series by Karen Kingsbury is definitely so sweet. a TAD cheesy, but I love love love knowing the Baxter family.
Redeeming Love and the Mark of the Lion Series by Francine Rivers a resounding YES! Some of my VERY favorite books. Lastly my Supreme favorite series is the Thorn in my Heart Series by Liz Curtis Higgs. It is a more modern telling of the love triangle of Jacob Rachel and Leah from the bible. Its set in 1700 scotland and its super cool and really "can't put this down".
that's my 2 cents!
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