Saturday, September 27, 2008

Where Have You Been All My Life...

Hello little $3.00 joy from Wal-Mart! I love you!!!! Tonight I showered with you on my head for the very first time and I'm wondering where you've been all my life! I always thought that I had to take a bath instead of a shower when I didn't want to wash my hair...and you proved me wrong! Thank you for coming into my life and allowing me to get clean quickly and for keeping my hair perfectly dry! You're neat! (Don't you feel like ladies that wear shower caps probably say "neat!")


Jessica and Matt said...

LOL! Are you kidding me? Does a pony tail/bun not work? This is great. And yes--it is neat.

I may just have to try this, given that it's "neatness" warranted it's own post!

Sharee Forman said...

This cracks me up!! Now what would really make me happy is a post with a picture of YOU IN the shower cap! I'll be waiting. :)

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Ok, this post totally cracks me up. Now we'll know your secret to lovely dry locks....wink