You are so much fun! Thank you for staying at my house and taking care of me during Mommy's first week back to school. I know that it wasn't easy for her to leave me, and having you here made her not so sad. Thank you for giving me such good baths, for doing my laundry, and for taking me to mommy's school so that she could hold me while you taught her class. Most of all I want to thank you for NEVER putting me down. I know that Mommy says that you're spoiling me and that I need to be in my bouncy or my swing every now and then...but don't listen to her! She doesn't know what she's talking about!!! I love it the most when I'm in your arms...and I sleep so good there! I can't wait for you to come back to my house and spoil me again!
I love you a bushel and a peck...AND a hug around your neck!!!
Thank you so much for coming to take care of me during Mommy's last week at school! This week was just as hard for her as last week, and she told me that she couldn't have imagined leaving me with anyone but you! After this time together, I will NEVER doubt how much you love me! Thank you for constantly telling me how precious I am!!! That makes me feel very special! I loved our many hours of singing time and our "white sock waltz." Those two things always calmed me down and I look forward to dancing with you the next time you come to visit. Thank you, also, for my fun bath times, my yummy bottles, and for always making sure I wasn't singing the "dirty diaper blues!" You are one fun Nana...and I will miss you until I see you again!
XOXO....and some smiles too,

Sweet Grammizle and Nana!!! They're so sweet for coming and taking care of Quinn. And this was a nice post. :)
Quinn's a quick learner about thank you notes. Nice.
Is today your last day of school?!?!?
Can I come take care of him next week while you take some naps?? :)
He is so cute and getting so big! Check out Bryson's new blog at http://brysontate.blogspot.com/
what a sweet little boy to write his wonderful grandmothers a thank you!
congratulations on your last day of school!
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