We had a great Christmas this year full of lots of travel and lots of family fun! Our first trip started on the Thursday before Christmas! After Matt got off work, we drove to Abilene. Sadly, on the way there, we
received a phone call from mom and dad saying they were both "tummy sick!" Since Baby Quinn and I didn't want it, Dad put us up in the
Avante (a.k.a. Embassy Suites) for a night. It was really funny being on "vacation" in Abilene. Matt and I had a good time just shopping, going to dinner and relaxing at the hotel. It was a fun way to start the break. (And in the pic below you can see my 25 week tummy!)

Then, the rest of the time in Abilene consisted of relaxing, eating out, hanging out at home with my family, shopping, and seeing sweet friends. I think that I had forgotten how to relax and it was truly great to just do nothing! I needed it!!!

Mom slaved away the day before Christmas to make Matt's favorite...
German chocolate cake! It always takes her a while to make it but it makes Matt so happy...so she does it!!! What a sweet mom-in-law!

As you can see, my tummy grew even more over the break. Here it is at 26 weeks! WOW! I don't think the polka-dots help me look small!!! :)

And, Zoe's first Christmas! She's such a mess but so much fun! I like to call her "tub uh love!" Mom finally has her baby and Dad loves her lots more than he'll ever admit.
Kia and
Krozby had so much fun playing with their
Zo Zo...and sneaking some bites if her puppy food!

Then, the day after Christmas, (after loading too many presents for Matt, Baby Quinn and me) we got in the car and drove 6 hours to Houston to have some time with the Poe family! It was another relaxing trip filled with family, food, shopping and lots of relaxing!

We hadn't been to Houston to see them in too long and it was good to be there to just make some fun memories before Baby Quinn arrives in April.

On Saturday the 30
th, we finally came back to our house. We went to Brad Jones' wedding on Saturday night and then, after church on Sunday, worked hard at taking the Christmas decor down! I went back to school on Wednesday (YUCK!!!) and Matt and I went to the doc on Thursday! Of course, our baby boy is growing perfectly and is right on track. It was a quick visit but a good one! Crazy enough, that was my last monthly check-up. Now that I'm in my 3rd trimester, I'll start going ever 2 weeks!!! I can't believe that the countdown is really beginning. Matt and I have started registering at Target and finished our Pottery Barn registry this week! It was fun but very overwhelming! ... Below you'll see a pic of my 27 week tummy! I'm really growing and Baby Quinn is really moving! He gets the hiccups at least once a day and is constantly reminding me that he's in there and very much alive! I am still amazed at the miracle of him and can't wait to meet him!

It was great to see everyone too!! Enjoy the last few months because they do go by fast. I really miss the feeling of Mason kicking and hiccuping in my belly...only a feeling you can have.
could you send me the pic with us at molly's?
unbelievable! that tummy is out of control growing!!! yeaahhhH!!
So fun! It's crazy that you took the 25, 26, and 27 week pictures all over your Christmas break. Wow--what a break! In the picture at Molly's, you don't even look pregnant!
I agree with Jessica, I had to look close becasue you don't look pregnant at all in the pic at Molly's. But, it's amazing how much baby Quinn has "popped" in the last few weeks! So fun. Sounds like you guys had a busy break!
i guess you had just as much fun as i did looking for a new background! :)
Oh wow. Cool background. How did you get it to go across the whole page??
So I want to know where y'all are getting these cool backgrounds!!!! The pics are so cute from your trips! And Quinn is getting big!!!
Cute Cute pics! I have been keeping up with your tummy growth on your website, and I love it!! We need to see each other SOON :)
BP--It's time for an update. You have no excuse... Are you going to be better or worse about blogging once Quinn comes? We need to see more pictures. Chop, chop.
i'm with jessica! it's been like 12 days and you haven't been out of town!! and um....snow days!? helloooo! :) i had time to cook dinner, blog and bake a cake today! :)
Well, I'm glad you haven't updated in awhile because it gave me a chance to catch up. I'm back in the blogging world again! You look SO good in every picture. Aside from that cute tummy, you haven't changed a bit! Isn't that every woman's dream?? It was great to see you over Christmas and at Brad's wedding even if it was only for a little while. It's just nice to know that you're close again! Love you.
basically any night but Wednesday and Thursday. :) Peter has soccer on wed. nite and we have CR on Thursday. So, Monday or Tuesday? Actually this coming Monday we have a deal at church. How about Tuesday?
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