Sunday, August 09, 2015

What’s Abilene, Texas good for?

When Daddy went to Mission Trip, it was time for me to brave the Texas highways and head to Abilene for the first time in almost a year. So, Krozby, ThePoeTrio and I loaded up the Swaggon and went on our way. There were some fun times…there were some stressful times…there were a few too many stops and a few too many sweets…but, in about 6 hours, we made it.
Besides its stunning views (ha) and amazing weather (another ha), you might wonder what in the world Abilene, Texas is good for. Well let me show you…
Abilene, Texas is good for playing with Mommy’s ridiculous Beanie Baby collection…740
It’s good for enjoying a 60 year old trampoline…
It’s good for walking practice and taking pictures in Slickpaw’s old wagon…117120128130134136149158161162
Abilene, Texas is a good place to have time to read that book you couldn’t wait to start…170
And a place to have a ball at the Zoo…768772175
{I loved watching these ducks. When we fed them handfuls of food, the Momma & Daddy sat back and let the babies get all of it. What a sweet, sweet picture of a Momma & Daddy’s love for their children…and how amazing that even ducks know that love…}177179182184185
Did you know that Abilene, Texas is the perfect place for mining…192193
…and the perfect place to see a flamingo that’s only minutes old! {That baby wasn’t born when we entered the zoo, but was when we left!!! So, so sweet to watch the Momma caring for it!}205
Did you know that Abilene, Texas is the perfect place for dining on snowcones?…789820821
And for Zoe & Slickpaw love in Slickpaw’s chair…
Do you know what else Abilene is good for?
Riding on Mommy’s vintage Bucky house…
Visiting our Sweet Great Aunt Imogene…
And for stopping by the special place that Mommy & Daddy had their wedding reception almost 12 years ago…213218219
Abilene is a good place to enjoy your Bubba or Sister…222
And a place to play with “new” bath toys…
Abilene, Texas might be the BEST place to enjoy children’s literature and find a new love for an already familiar author…
…and it’s a pretty fun place to go shopping, believe it or not!…819822
In Abilene, Texas, you make time for domino trains…
…and for splashing…
In Abilene, puppies get extra attention…
…and so do babies…
And Corvettes get admired by Slickpaw’s biggest fans…844
In Abilene, don’t let it surprise you if you take pictures with stuffed armadillos!
Anything can happy in Abilene, I guess!
Our 5 nights were filled with fun and food…and, even thought you might have thought Abilene, Texas wasn’t good for much…you now have been proven wrong!
And, why wouldn't we stop to Sic ‘em on the way back home! It sure broke our trip up perfectly and the kids loved shopping for new swag and seeing our favorite Baylor sights…
{Even though we had a blast on our trip to Abilene, it wasn’t quite as fun without our Daddy! Each day, we took a picture for him, and at the end of the week, he had a special message! We couldn’t wait to get home to give him big hugs!!!…}

1 comment:

annalee said...

Way to make the drive with all in tow! Couldn't agree more about all these great things about Abilene. ps- the girl, the dress, and the wagon pics are PERFECTION.