Monday, February 02, 2015

“Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.” ~Peg Bracken

We had a full Christmas season…just like everyone and just like every year. But, how I love it. All of the prep…the details…the traditions…the memories…it’s my VERY favorite time of year.
Here’s a peek at some of ThePoeFam’s Christmas memories from the days leading up to Christmas in 2014…
full of LOTS of family TIME and more LOVE than could be measured!
Our house…all decorated for Christmas for the first time…IMG_5037
Peeky’s magical and much anticipated return…
My Crazy Cute Christmas Light Crew…

Christmas Jammies x3…018021
Nash’s darling Christmas program at church…
2014-12-03 001 090
Let’s just take a minute and enjoy the beauty of this performance.
A few things to look/listen for…
1. Bliss signing along
2. Nash’s mouth as he sings…what the heck?
3. When he obviously notices his baby sister and sings directly to her.
4. When “the star” gets in his way and he takes it upon himself to move.
I laugh out loud every time!
Hosting the Youth Leader’s Christmas party…

Dressing festive for church…
Spending lots of time oohing and ahhing over this little love in her pretty, Christmas room…2014-12-03 001 0682014-12-03 001 0722014-12-03 001 0752014-12-03 001 077
2014-12-03 001 079
2014-12-03 001 003
Making the Nice List x3…

A fun trip through Bethlehem City…IMG_7907

A visit from Rudolph himself…IMG_7939IMG_7940IMG_7941

Fun at Market Street…

Admiring the neighbors decor…This was our fave…IMG_8011

White Elephant Party with the Youth Group…

Mailing Christmas cards…

Attending the 2nd grade Christmas party…
{this series is pure greatness…}
Quinn’s wonderful teachers…

A family adventure to the EggNoggin’ Retreat…

Hearing these annoying, dancing/singing toys a few hundred times…

Swooning over our Santa Baby…
Wrapping gifts…and surprising the kids with which was theirs…

Dressing Bliss in My First Christmas dress…
Wrestling…ALWAYS wrestling…

Christmas shopping {and getting her two front teeth…
Cookie decorating…IMG_5176IMG_5177IMG_5178IMG_5180IMG_5183IMG_5187IMG_5186

Memories with Peeky…{when he lets us play with him and he won’t loose his magic…}IMG_5189IMG_5192
And enough laughter and joy to {hopefully} carry us through until we get to do it all over again!!!

1 comment:

Joy said...

Where did you get that adorable christmas bow? The ones with the white, green and red on it? Your family is precious and I love how I can Jesus through the the way you live.