Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Q is SEVEN. {His REAL Birthday!}

We have been counting down to this boy’s birthday for a long time now. I love how he loves birthdays as much as I do. And, even though his party was the weekend before, he was definitely awaiting the day that he ACTUALLY turned SEVEN! So, on Wednesday night, I said “Nigh-night” to my precious SIX YEAR OLD…

And, on Thursday, March 27th, I woke up to a BIG SEVEN YEAR OLD!

We started with his breakfast of choice…powered sugar donuts and a few presents…and singing, of course!
  Quinn is SEVEN! 001Quinn is SEVEN! 005Quinn is SEVEN! 004

Then, he went to school…but, I joined him for lunch. He requested Chick-fil-A and I let him pick out his birthday treats to pass out to his class. You know you’re 36 weeks pregnant with baby #3 when you say “ok” to Little Debbie Zebra Cakes! But, we made them cute and the kids were MORE than excited to receive theirs!


Then, Matt took off work early and I took Q out of school after lunch! We went straight to Target so that Quinn could spend all of the birthday money he got from his party and pick out a few more things from us. It was super special to him (and us) that it was just the 3 of us. And, he got to look at WHATEVER he wanted for as long as he chose. And, he came out with a TON of cool Legos, a new Skylander and new Golf Gear. (He’s about to start lessons!)

After picking up Nash from school, we headed down the road to Incredible Pizza and had such a fun time. We ate, played games, rode go-carts, played black-light putt-putt and ate some more. Serious fun for our birthday boy!!! Quinn is SEVEN! 008Quinn is SEVEN! 009Quinn is SEVEN! 013Quinn is SEVEN! 017Quinn is SEVEN! 020Quinn is SEVEN! 024Quinn is SEVEN! 031Quinn is SEVEN! 034
Quinn is SEVEN! 035
Then, the big SEVEN year old requested that we go home so that he could play with all of his new stuff. We quickly snapped our annual nose pic so that he could take a bubble bath, get in his jammies and play for a few hours before bedtime. It really was the perfect day celebrating the biggest brother in our house! Quinn is SEVEN! 040Quinn is SEVEN! 041Quinn is SEVEN! 045Quinn is SEVEN! 046Quinn is SEVEN! 047

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