Hi long lost blog! How I’ve missed you!!! Have you all been worried about our little PoeFam? We DID survive the bizarre DFW Icepocalypse of 2013! …But, I can honestly say that the last two months have been the most stressful, crazy, exciting, emotional, busy and faith-filled months of our lives! Let me give you a sneak peek!
Not long before the ice began to fall, Matt got a phone call from a church wanting him to consider coming as their student pastor. Since we were happily at our current church, we couldn’t imagine how God would say “yes” to a move…but, He definitely had different plans.
After much prayer and way too many “green lights,” (Loooong story really short) we put our house on the market and had an offer within just a few days! We were so thankful at the confirmation that God was moving things forward.
And, in the midst of our bittersweet decision to leave a place we loved and move to where God was calling our family, Matt and I decided to go to “Stork Vision” and get an early sneak peek at Tummy Baby! I was 17 weeks and just couldn’t wait anymore. It was on that day that we heard the words that I still can’t believe…our sweet Tummy Baby is a GIRL! A sweet, baby GIRL! I kept telling the sonographer that she had to be wrong…we don’t make girls!!! But, she assured me that she was 98% sure!
So, that evening, we met our amazing Chelle Cates so that we could break the fun news to our boys! Quinn immediately said “I knew it”…and both boys were over the moon that they were going to have a SISTER!
But, in the midst of that excitement, we were in the craziness of selling our house (which, by the way…we had lost our first buyer and had another offer in less than 24 hours…STRESSSSS.FULLLLL!!!) and looking for one in our new city-to-be. The options of homes on the market right before the holidays was slim and just weren’t finding anything that felt like home. I was discouraged! But, one morning, we got the automated email from our realtor saying that a new one had come available…and, I woke Matt up telling him that we HAD to make an offer before even stepping foot inside. I knew it was our house.
But, it wasn’t that easy…after a bidding war…winning the bidding war…driving down to see it…inspection…negotiations…and more…it looked like the house that we loved was going to be ours! I seriously couldn't believe it. We FaceTimed the boys while they were at Mammer and Slickpaw’s so that they could see it.
After a low key Thanksgiving, our sweet Kia started taking a turn for the worse. It was heartbreaking to have to tell her goodbye. She was a precious puppy and had lived a wonderful (almost) 14 years. She was our “first born” and taught me how much you could love a puppy! She made two little boys so very happy and will always be horribly missed.
Now it was time to love on this little Krozby…he’d never spent a day without his Kia Girl!
The first week of December is when the Pods started arriving. Due to our closing dates at both homes, we’d be “homeless” for a few days and had to use Pods to move/store our stuff for that time. We packed…Matt moved…friends helped…we dealt with AWFUL rats in our garage that had ruined TONS of our stuff (including LOTS of baby gear and Christmas trees)…and more! It was crazy!!!!
The boxes continued to pile, the tape continued to run out, the lists continued to grow…and I felt like I was missing such a sweet season with my boys! But, there was SO much to do…and so little time to do it. I’d wake up every day and ask Matt if it was over yet!
It was sad to have NO Christmas décor and the season just didn’t feel normal. But, we tried our best to make some sweet memories in the midst of chaos. Within that time, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th pods were delivered…the movers came to move the rest of our stuff…and we spent 4 nights on air mattresses…but, we survived.
By the grace of God, it all got done…I really don’t know how…but, it did. And, on the morning of December 20th, the boys woke up to the BIGGEST surprise! We were going to lock the doors to our Roanoke house, say goodbye to it for good and immediately hop on a plane for DISNEY WORLD!!! Matt, Mammer, Slickpaw, Nana, Pawpaw and I were all going to spend Christmas there…and, the boys had NO clue!!!
The boys seemed to be in shock…but, we pulled off the surprise…said goodbye to our home…and left for the airport! Disney World HERE WE COME! We kept telling the boys that Disney World just sounded like the best place to call “home” for the next 8 days…since we were homeless!!! They agreed!
We had a magical time! We spent December 20th-27th at the “happiest place on earth!” {more details to come!}
And, we let the boys help announce the sweet name of their Baby Sister…
Bliss Mabry Poe!
How we adore here already!
And, since that day, my sweet boys have been champions at starting at new schools…
And living around mounds and mounds of boxes!!!
The journey from point A to point B wasn’t always easy…but, I am blown away at how we could see God’s hand in EVERY. SINGLE. TINY. DETAIL! It truly was a miracle. When I would get down or stressed or discouraged, this verse would literally RING in my ears. …
I heard it over and over and over again. And, it could not be more true! We are so very blessed!!!…and are FILLED WITH JOY! Here’s to a 2014!!!
I was starting to worry about you. Good to know all is well and you're ready for new adventures. Congrats on all the good stuff!
Did yall move to Spring? Looks familiar! If so, I'm right down the road!
I have been wondering where you were! So happy everything worked out. Are you still in the Dallas area?
Awww congratulations! I LOVE her name!She's going to have 2 big brothers to watch over her!
I check here all the time for updates! I am so happy to read about your little family again. I am also thrilled you are having a girl! Don't you just LOVE how God brings all things together for our good?
AHH! I used to live where you are living now, we moved in March. Also it looks like you are using my same dr. ..... crazy its a small world. Follow us at
Love, love, love the new blog post...I've missed your fun updates & pics! Congrats on surviving, and best of luck getting settled. You encourage and inspire me, so thank you for letting us into your little world. Also, do I foresee a move in Mammer & Slick Paw's future? Can't imagine they'll let those sweet boys get too far away, and with your new little duckling coming...I'm sure they want to be within kissing & cuddling distance.
Congrats on the move, and baby GIRL! LOVE her name.
Congrats on your baby girl & surviving the move! My hubby is a pastor also, and we are facing a move with 3 littles. Do you have any good resources or tips on packing up and staying sane?
I have been following your blog and sweet family news for so long I was starting to worry but so glad you are back! Wow! What an amazing ride you and your family have had these past few months! God is so good! Congratulations on your sweet girl! I love love love her name! So sweet! Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with us!
Amazing! I have missed you! I was dying to know baby's gender!
We too announced our daughters name like you did. She was our foster daughter before Adoption & we decided to name her & make it public with ears :-)
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