Monday, March 25, 2013

“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we Often forget that he is someone today.” ~Stacia Tauscher

Oh…these boys!!! In one moment they’re wearing me out and the next they’re making my heart swell with pride! Last week was full of heart-swelling!!! I love when life makes me stop and soak in who they are TODAY!!!

First, on Thursday night, we had Nash’s Spring Sing. He was so proud and thankful of the shirt that I got him while he was at school that day and proudly wore it as he sang his PRECIOUS heart out in front of a crowd full! When he came out on stage, the excitement as he saw his family in the audience was INDESCRIBABLE! (and, thankfully, we have it on video!) He was most proud to see his Bubba..and told his teacher over and over…”There’s my Bubba!!!” Then, he stood in one place and sang/did the motions to all four songs that they sang. They started with Build a House for Jesus, then sang R-E-D, Wheels on the Bus, and, my fave, Jesus Loves Me. My heart truly melted time and time and time again. And, so did his Daddy’s…and his Bubba’s! We were so proud of our sweet Nasher!
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{Waving at Bubba….and showing his muscles for “He is STRONG!”}
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Then, on Saturday, we were able to watch Q participate in his first Awana Olympics. He and his fellow Sparks competed against other churches in the games they’ve been working on all year! It was so hilarious and fun to watch! One of my favorite parts was watching Q beam at his Daddy as Matt led the team in some “Pre-game warm-ups!” The push-ups were hilarious. It was a fun afternoon…and, our team proudly took home the 3rd place ribbon…and a new patch for their vest. If you don’t know about Awana, please click here and find a church near you that does it so that your children can participate! It is SO very amazing to watch Quinn happily hide God’s Word in his sweet little heart. Proud Momma 050

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1 comment:

Catherine said...

what a sweet post! and adorable boys! LOVE that little shirt and bow-tie on Nash, where are they from? : )