Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Run Like the QUINN!!!!

Last week, our Kindergartner had a BIG day! His school was doing a “Fun Run” fundraiser and Q couldn’t wait to make his donors proud! Sadly, due to a FREEZING morning, they changed the time to the afternoon…therefore, Daddy couldn’t attend. But, Nash and I proudly represented ThePoeFam as we cheered on our Bubba.

I loved the whole event…the fun atmosphere, the music, the “character” and “fitness” message…and, most of all, watching my favorite Kindergartener run around the track 42 times!!! The best parts were the high fives we got as he came our way…and the shout out Q got from the mic because of our sign! The MC said, “Everyone neeeeds to run like the Quiiiiiiinnnnnnnn!!!” Q’s face was priceless! :)

When it was over, we had one proud and tired guy on our hands. And, I hope he never doubts just how proud we are of him!

Fun Run 2013 007  Fun Run 2013 009

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What fun! He looks so happy about the run.