Tuesday, November 01, 2011

“A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.” ~Author Unknown

This weekend, we got to have a special visit from Nana and Pawpaw. We shopped, we played, we ate, we got sussies, we went to church, we showed them our new neck of the woods, we changed tires…and we had a great time. And, on top of that, we got to celebrate their birthdays. Since Pawpaw’s is October 26th and Nana’s is November 7th, sharing a cake is a perfect thing to do. (just like last year) Quinn loves helping them blow out the candles (Nash was already asleep) and both of them LOVED having them here to play for 3 days!

Thanks so much for making the trip…and Happy Birthday to Nana & Pawpaw!!! Halloween 2011 008

Celebrating last year…maybe this needs to be an annual picture!…Nov__5-7_019

1 comment:

The Buchanan Family said...

so sweet! Just curious where do you get all your quotes? you always have the sweetest and most unique ones!