Sunday, May 15, 2011

One Spoiled Momma

I love Mother’s Day…and, this year, with Q being in school, it was EVEN more special. The week before Mother’s Day, we had Muffins with Mommy! The tables were decorated and special handmade projects were everywhere. Seeing all of them made my heart swell with pride. I loved it all so very much and loved how proud Quinn was to have a “date at school” and give it all to me.
Beg. of May 2011 024
Beg. of May 2011 027

Beg. of May 2011 029

Beg. of May 2011 031
Beg. of May 2011 034
Then, on Mother’s Day morning, I was awoken by three anxious boys and sweet cards. Q always LOVES to give me the ones that sing songs and this year’s sang “How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You!” We listened to it over and over again.

Then, I was surprised by my fancy Kindle and pretty pink case. And, on the way to church, I checked my email to find an Amazon gift card to buy LOTS of new books! What a treat!

But, above all gifts and cards and La Madeline lunches, I am BEYOND BLESSED to be the Mommy to these two precious little guys. And, on this day, I was reminded of just how thankful I am to be a BoyMom!!!…
Mother's Day 2011 009

Mother's Day 2011 011

Mother's Day 2011 012

1 comment:

Jill said...

And, what cutie boys they are, too!