Sunday, January 02, 2011

Join Me in Praying God’s Word

praying As a newlywed, I read this book and got COMPLETELY overwhelmed. I remember making lists of things that I wanted to add to my prayer list for my husband and could never get anywhere close to the bottom as I prayed for him. Now, don’t get me wrong…I think that the book is amazing and I loved the idea of praying daily for my husband in all of those areas.

But, realistically, it wasn’t happening for me.

Then, about a year ago, my friend Carrie spoke at our mom’s group about praying for your family. I got so inspired to pray (specifically…to pray Scripture) for myself and my family.

At that time, I made a list of topics and found a scripture to go with each. And, with good intentions, I began praying over one topic each week. (a new verse/topic each day is just too much for me!) As I prayed in this way, I felt God move. Even when I started a week with a topic that seemed a little “random,” by the end of the week, God was showing me so many reasons why that was the verse He had given me.

But, as good as my intentions were, I didn’t keep up with my weekly focus.

So, this year, I wanted to make it easier for myself to stay on track. I went back to the list that I made and chose about 40 topics/scriptures that I wanted to add to my 2011 list. (I didn’t chose 52, because I may want to stay on some topics longer or I may add others as the year goes on!)

And, here’s how I play on implementing this in my life…

1. At the beginning of each month, I’m going to choose 4/5 (one for each week) and write it in my planner.

2. During my prayer times (or as I’m going about my daily “stuff”), I’m going to pay special attention to the topic/scripture that I had chosen for that week.

3. At the end of the week, I’m going to journal how God spoke to me throughout the week through the specific topic & scripture.

4. I’m going to include my husband/children when it applies…and I’m going to be intentional to leave notes for Matt to let him know when I’m praying specifically for him.

I’m excited!!! And, I think that planning ahead is going to make it much easier for me to keep my mind truly focused on things above. (Colossians 3:2)

So…why am I sharing this with you!?! #1…I’m excited! #2…I’d love for you to join me!!! And, I’d love to hear how God moves in your life through constantly meditating on His Word.

Please leave a comment if you plan on trying this out for yourself…and feel free to take that little tag at the top too! It’s nothing fancy, but I like having a little “do dad” to use when I post about things! Now…on with the topics…

My boys {Quinn & Nash}:

for peace (Exodus 23:20, Philippians 4:7)
to trust (Proverbs 3:5-6)
to know Jesus Christ (3 John 4)
their future (Isaiah 58:11)
their faith (Hebrews 11)
their wives (Genesis  2:18) 
their happiness (Proverbs 15:13, Gen 21:6)
their friends (Proverbs 18:24)
taking correction (Proverbs 29:17)
their minds (Colossians 3:2)
their ears (James 1:19)
their eyes (1 Corinthians 2:9)
their hearts (Psalm 119:11, Jeremiah 24:7)
their hands (1 Chronicles 29:12)
their feet (Joshua 14:9, 22:5) 
My husband {Matthew}:
his job (Psalm 90:17)
as a provider (Philippians 4:19)
his temptations (James 1:13-15)
his purpose (1 Corinthians 7:17)
his health (Psalm 91:14-16)
as a Daddy (Proverbs 17:6)
his friendships (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)
his attitude (Psalm 100:4)
his relationship with God (Ephesians 4:1-2)
his self-image (2 Corinthians 3:18)


as a wife (Hebrews 10:24, Proverbs 21:9)
as a Mommy (Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Proverbs 31:28)
for rest (Matthew 11:28)
my friendships (Proverbs 17:17)
to take advice when I should (Proverbs 19:20)
as a housewife (Colossians 3:23)

Our Family:
our plans (Proverbs 19:21, Jeremiah 29:11)
for Matt & I as parents: (Deuteronomy 6:5-9, Proverbs 22:6)
our marriage (Ephesians 5:21)
our fears (Psalm 27:1)
as witnesses (Acts 1:8)
to use our minds of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16)
to remember we are not our own (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
as citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20)
as His child (1 John 3:1)
as loved (John 16:27)
as a saint who sins (Romans 6:12)

 Praying God’s Word is exchanging your
thoughts for His thoughts!


Shannon Boyer said...

Exactly what I wanted to do this year- thanks for putting it together and sharing it! Can't wait to see how God blesses us and shows me the reason I am praying for that specific topic all week!

kinsey said...

i love this idea so much and am definitely going to borrow all your "research" of scriptures. i've been wanting and needing to get a new devotional, and this is such a great focus for me right now. thanks for sharing!!

The Fishers said...

This is such neat idea and I think I will be borrowing all of your hard work with the scripture. Thank you for sharing!

Katy Goodman said...

What a great idea! I will definitely be attempting to follow in your footsteps on this resolution - thanks for the great idea!

Kara Wilson said...

I love it!! What a perfect little prayer guide for me!! I am going to follow it each week also! Thanks so much sharing! I would love to talk to you about it as the year goes on!! Happy New Year, Sweet Friend! Love you!

Sarah said...

Thanks for the great idea. I am going to borrow your scripture too. Thanks for sharing!

The Bordelon Family said...

We don't know each other personally, but reading your blog has inspired me over the past few years. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to become closer to God & what an answer this post is to my first prayer! I hope I can continue this journey with you & grow!

The Oldelehrs said...

I came across your blog a while back and I love getting ideas from it. I LOVE that you put this post together and shared it! You can check out a post I just did on teaching my children about the act of giving back:)
Happy New Year!

Emily and Andrew said...

I have been needing something fresh like this, I just didn't know where to start! Thank you for doing all the research! Will you be posting what you are focusing on each week?

Jenny said...

I LOVE this! When you break it down like that, it doesn't seem as overwhelming! I'm in!!

Kalliemack said...

so excited about doing this, thanks for sharing. I posted your button for this on my blog.

{lauren} said...

This is such a great idea! Awesome way to start the new year in lifting up our loved ones. I will definitely be joining in:)

Melody said...

so fabulous! this is just what I needed and would love to follow along and join you in the scriptures you chose. thanks for the great idea :)

The Cochran Fam said...

I love this! Thank you so much for sharing! I will be joining you in praying God's word!

The Sharps said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! I am on board and ready to go. I hope you dont mind but I shared this with several of my mommy friends that I know would love this. Thank you for being an encouragement to all!

The Sharps said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! I am on board and ready to go. I hope you dont mind but I shared this with several of my mommy friends that I know would love this. Thank you for being an encouragement to all!

Tanya said...

I can't wait to grow with you! Thanks for sharing.

Katie and Justin Cox said...

HI! I am SO SO SO excited about this! Thank you for taking the time and the energy to share this with the rest of us! I am going to share it with my Bible study girls and other friends! Thanks for making a cute tag to go along with it too... will make it fun to post on my blog! I don't know how you do all you do, but it makes me work harder in my own home!! Your boys are precious!! (PS: Been a Poe Fam follower for awhile... fellow Baylor Bear also!! :) )

Jill said...

You encourage me...count me in!

Doug and Sarah said...

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful idea which has inspired me to join you. I've added your button to my blog and your idea to by 12 for 12 in 2011! Thank you again!

Leah said...

Going to find a journal now so I can get started tonight! This is so what I needed right now..My intention is to do this each week with you and I am so excited about what God has in store through this in 2011. Thank you, thank you!!!

Tiffany said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I, too, am following along! Thank you for being our "guide".... Happy 2011!

janine said...

You don't know me, but I have enjoyed reading your blog for awhile now. I have a 3 year old boy and love the idea of praying scripture for our family. Thank you for breaking it down. I will probably use yours until I get on a roll or find things maybe more specific. Blessings to you!

Johnson's said...

I'm so excited that you shared this! Thank you for your thoughtfulness and willingness to let us pray and grow with you. 2011 will be GrEaT :)

Stacey said...

Thank you so much for sharing this! I really want to join in on the idea of praying scripture over my family and others as well as meditating on the scriptures. I plan to share this on my blog as well! I am so thankful for all the ideas and inspiration you share.

Miranda said...

I know I'm a little late getting started, but I just ran across this and I'd really like to join in! Thank you so much for all your hard work and your kindness to share this with all of us :-)

The Drama Mama said...

LOVE THIS! Thanks for taking the time to do this so we can join in on the fun!!

Ashley said...

Thank so much for this! I've been wanting to be more intentional in the way that we pray and this is wonderful!

Tonya said...

I found this from one of my other friends..Shelley Hale....just today. I firmly believe God leads us (eyes, steps, etc.) and I really believe He KNEW I needed to find this blog. (Thanks Shelley!) This year I am determined to pray for my family and that WE (not just ME) become stronger in Him. January may already be over but it's never too late to do this or to draw closer to Him. I wrote down your examples and verses and will use them to lead me in the direction for my topics and verses. I may change a few up here and there but I really appreciate you sharing this. It's a fabulous idea.

Browning Family said...

I just found this from a friend's blog, and it's really what I need right now. I know it's already March, but I'm going to join you in this as well.

Hillary Adams said...

I LOVE this and am so excited to join you. Thanks so much for doing this!

Amanda said...

I found your blog through another blog... I love this idea and do plan on starting this fabulous idea!!!! Thanks for sharing!