Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

On Thursday, Matt, Nash and I had the sweet privilege of going to Quinn’s school to participate in chapel with him. I loved watching his little class in action…lined up at the door in their proudly painted T’s {with bubbles in their mouths, of course}, marching down the hall and sitting in their spots. Then, watching him sing praises to Jesus just melted our hearts. He was so into the songs and loved having us there to watch him.

Then, after chapel, we got to go back to his class for his “Happy Birthday Jesus” party. There were crafts, lots of sweets, singing Happy Birthday to Jesus before cutting the cake, a book exchange and more.

Reid and Quinn even got to pass out scarves to the whole class as their special gift. (Thanks, Porter, for the fun idea!!!)

Even though I would give just about anything to be a fly on the wall in his class, I loved seeing him interact with all of his sweet friends and his teachers on this special day. It was the perfect end to his first semester as a big pre-school boy!

Dec. 16 022 - Copy
Dec. 16 023 - Copy
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Dec. 16 037 - Copy
  Dec. 16 040 - Copy This little craft just proved to Mommy that we might need to work on coloring a little bit. ha. You should have seen some of his friends’ masterpieces. Dec. 16 039 - Copy

Two of his little girlfriends proudly wearing their scarves…Dec. 16 047

1 comment:

Unknown said...

too cute for words.