Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bless my soul.

I seriously could EAT. HIM. UP.
Nash 9.25 009

Nash 9.25 008 Nash 9.25 007P.S. It’s a good thing we had a cool-ish day today so that I could put him in this darling onesie that Sharee got him. If we’d waited much longer, I’m afraid he would have never gotten to wear it!


Jill said...

Yes -- absolutely adorable!!!

Sharee Forman said...

Oh me oh my Nash you are a heartbreaker! So cute! And, yes, i'm glad it's cool too! Wow, so sorry, thought that would fit in January! ha ha!

Jennifer said...

What outfit is darling! And wasn't today glorious with the cool weather?!

The Douglas' said...

He is so yummy! Both your boys are adorable!!

The Douglas' said...

He is so yummy! Both your boys are adorable!!

molly said...

He looks like your dad when he smiles- hehe!!!too cute - I hope all is well with you 4!