Thursday, June 17, 2010

I like to eat, eat, eat…

…apples & bananas…..and cherries, and blueberries, and strawberries, and grapes, and cantaloupe, and watermelon…and…

Let’s just say that my preggo self is LOVING fresh fruit right now…and my little man is following my lead! I’m so thankful that the price of fruit is SO good in the summertime, because we always have a bowl and a fridge full!!! I must admit that it’s one of the few advantages of being pregnant during this INSANE heat! :) pre toy story and fruit 008 pre toy story and fruit 013 pre toy story and fruit 015


kristin fulghum said...

that's a great prego craving!

Marissa said...

we are lovin' fruit over here too...where did you get that strainer?! Cutest thing I've ever seen!!!