Tuesday, March 23, 2010


We’re in countdown mode at our house…Because, in four days, my sweet little man will be THREE years old! How in the world did that happen?

So, for today, he’ll practice telling me how old he’s going to be…ALMOST THREE 3.23.10 059 And, I’ll cherish the fact that he’s still “this many” for a few days longer…Still TWO 007{We never could quite master the “peace sign” 2! But, this is cuter anyway, so who cares!?}
Still TWO 004 Still TWO 005I love you, my sweet two year old!  


MKP said...

oh girl, I'm right there with you! I am cherishing these last days with my sweet 2-year old! I can't believe in only a few short months he will be 3!! That sounds so old!! Your little Q-man is precious! I love the name Nash by the way!! I'm so excited for you to have another boy. Seeing them together is priceless!!!

Mary said...

Oh what a cute "2" sign he makes! I would like that better than a peace sign too! Love catching up on your last posts...the snow on Sunday was crazy, wasn't it? Yesterday we went to the park and there was snow left over--and we were in shorts. Gotta love Texas!