Friday, February 05, 2010

Just Us!

There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that transcends all other affections of the heart.
– Washington IrvingLowe's with M&S, 16 week belly, Mammers bday 001

I’m already having those moments where I look at my sweet baby boy and am wanting to savor every moment of him being my only child. I guess it’s the only child in me that wants to hang on to it a bit. I never want to forget what it was like to have JUST him in my life…and I always want him to know how priceless our “just us” days were to me! We find out what our baby is on the 16th, and I feel like that’s the day that my heart will change a little more. Obviously, I already love the baby in my belly, but he/she doesn't have an identity yet. When I’m able to say his/her name, decorate his/her room and talk about the fact that Quinn is going to have a brother/sister, it’ll all become very real! So, for the next week and a half, I’m going to cherish not knowing…and, then I’m going to cherish the next 4 1/2 months that we have “just us!”


Mary said...

So precious. You've really shown how much you treasure your boy on your blog and it's so sweet. He certainly knows that he is loved :) Excited to hear what he/she/it is who will have the best big brother ever.

crazymom said...

you both are so sweet. i say do enjoy these precious moments together, but the ones to come w/ your new one together w/ rock! plus there will always be time to have daddy and you have one on one time... cant wait to hear if your having a boy or girl. hope your well