I am officially THIRTY years old! WOW! What an accomplishment, right!? I feel good about it! I guess I’m a grown up now…I’m out of my twenties, I’m married and I have a child! Guess I might as well claim the “adult” status! …
Anyway, there was all kinds of celebrating to commemorate the BIG day. First off, was a surprise!!! On Sunday the 6th, I had surprise guests come to my house and kidnap me to take me to a fun pedicure party! I loved being with some of my closest girlfriends to get pampered! There was cute decor, party hats, fun gifts and lots of yummy snacks! What a treat.
And the surprise didn’t end there!!! After a stalling trip to Sam Moon, I was driven to Buca de Beppo where I was greeted by lots more of my church friends!!! I must admit that I had an inkling that something was going on…but, you’re never really 100% sure…
My sweet baby boy was so excited to see me and tell me “Happy Birthday!” One of the highlights, for sure! …
Some of the guests at my table…more were on the other sides of the room!…
After stuffing ourselves with pasta, bread and salad, Remy surprised me with the most beautiful cake…THAT SHE MADE!!! Goodness me! I was impressed…and, the red velvet on the inside made me even more excited!!! What a sweet friend I have …she and some of the other girls went to so much effort to focus on the details that they knew I’d love!!!!…I’m blessed, for sure!
And, this little guy was a fan of the cake too!!! Can you tell? …
Then, on Wednesday night, Matt, Q, the puppies and I loaded up the car to head to Abilene. Sadly, after an hour of great traveling, my sweet little man got SUPER sick…about 12 times in the car! We debated turning around, but I just wanted to keep trucking! It was miserable and so very sad.
We arrived in Abilene at about 1:30 a.m. and continued to nurse our sick baby. He got sick 3 or 4 more times in the night and first thing on Thursday morning. But, we could tell that it was slowing down! We were just praying that WE (a.k.a. ME & the baby… since I am COMPLETELY phobic of tummy sickness) would stay well!!! After I’d been up dealing with him at around 7, my mom and dad wished me a Happy 30th! Crazy enough, I had forgotten that it was my birthday! I can honestly say that that has NEVER happened! Being a mommy changes things, for sure!!!
Once we all got up and Quinn was doing MUCH better, we looked outside to find crazy amounts of snow on the ground! What a sweet birthday surprise! It was gorgeous and made staying home and taking it easy all seem perfect!
After naps, and Quinn seeming well, we knew it was time to enjoy my birthday snow! So, we went outside and had a blast…running, eating snow, throwing snowballs and taking lots of fun pictures! …A birthday memory I’ll never forget!!!…
Our 31st nose picture…
My sweet family…all 3 1/2 of us!…
That night, we opened all of my amazing gifts and ordered Chili’s take out! It was yum! I was just so happy that my 30th birthday ended with us all felling good!
Since Quinn went to bed at 6:30 on my birthday, we did cake the next evening! He LOVES to sing and help blow out the candles! And, the cake that Mammer made was YUMMY to all of us…we ate it for breakfast, dessert and snack over the next few days! We also got to go to get yummy Hibachi and shop at my favorite shops before we left to come back home. So, it felt like my birthday continued for days!
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