Friday, February 26, 2010

Big Brother Moments: Part 2

30th birthday & baby reveal! 083Soon after we found out that the baby was a boy, Quinn and I ran to Target.
I said, “Let’s look at the baby stuff for your baby brother!”
Quinn said, “I want to look at the toys…{pause}…but, let’s look at the baby stuff first!” Sweet love!

Shannon got Quinn this precious book when we found out we were having a boy! When we read it, he was amazed with a few of the pictures. One showed a drawing of the baby with its umbilical cord. Even though I explained what it was, Quinn stared at it for some time and said, “Mommy, why is his dinkus so big?!” Bless him! He also is SUPER concerned with the fact that the baby can get hiccups in my tummy! We’ll cross that bridge when we get there!

We have had a few moments where Quinn is just enamored with talking to my belly. He pretends that he can see him through my belly button and says things like, “loooook! He’s SOOOO cute!!!!” One day he sang a song. It’s those moments that I cherish. I look forward to many more.

When the baby was kicking the other evening, we had Quinn come over to try and feel. He was drumming his fingers on my belly and said, “Those are finger kisses!” Oh, I LOVED it!!!! And, the fact that he made it up all by himself made it even sweeter.

On our way to Hobby Lobby the other day, I told Quinn that we were going to look at stuff for the baby’s room.
He said, “We could look for stuff for my room too!”
And, I said, “Well, your room has LOTS of cool stuff already!”
Quinn’s precious reply was, “Yeah…it’s his turn!”
I have a feeling there’s going to be lots of taking turns in his future! :)


Sharee Forman said...

Ohhh this melts my heart! What a sweet sweet little boy you have! What an example he'll be for Baby Boy!

Kendall and Brooks said...

oh my GOSH! What a precious post :) Do you know where she found that book? I have a friend who desperately needs it!

Laura said...

I love how sweet Quinn is! Laney would sing "You are my sunshine" to my belly and say "where's my baby" if she couldn't find my belly button right away! Sweet moments and then when they meet it is just perfect!

Barbara said...

Sweet Story and such happy moments...they grow fast so be sure you record such happy times and saying by Quinn.
