On Christmas morning, at seven a.m.
Matt and I woke up before the fam.
We started the coffee and enjoyed the sound
of quiet and peace with the snow on the ground.
It was clear that Santa had visited us
And the toys that he left would soon be a plus!
Then a few minutes more and our little guy spoke.
We went to his room and shared the good news
What would he play with? It’d be so hard to choose!
When he rounded the corner, he stopped dead in his tracks
Because the view before him didn’t seem like the facts.
You see, Mommy & Daddy had told him before
That Santa would be gone when he walked out his door.
But, before his eyes, stood a man in a “suit”
With a hat and his camera aimed ready to shoot.
For a minute Q was sure that it must be Saint Nick
But, Slickpaw appeared behind the camera real quick.
So, after the unintentional trick
Quinn proceeded on to his toys super quick.
He had his Lightening tracks and lots of new cars
It was hard to believe that this all was now ours!
We did stockings and opened presents galore.
Everyone was spoiled and said “thank you” once more!
Our opening took us til lunch time, it’s true
We weren’t quite sure if we’d ever be through.
We stayed in our jammies for the whole Christmas day
And cooked a good dinner, then hated to weigh.
We laughed, and we rested and played with our loot
Spent time with our little guy who was just way too cute.
He consistently said “this is the best Christmas ever!”
It’s hard to think that next year could be better.
We were blessed beyond measure as they day slipped away.
Thank you, sweet Jesus, for your precious birthday.
We hope your Christmas was as magical as ours!!!
i love reading your blog. quinn is precious! congrats on baby #2. kids are such a joy!!
Hi! I have enjoyed reading your blog. I was wondering where you got the "Dear Santa" plate from...I have been looking for this type of plate everywhere!
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