Tuesday, December 29, 2009


While you all sit on pins and needles awaiting the millions of Christmas posts, (ha) I thought I'd share a fun little fact with you!!! I WON a giveaway...for BABY GIRL SHOES!! Luck? I'm not sure! I'm pretty sure I don't believe in luck!... And, considering the sex of our baby has already been determined, it's silly to think that this is luck, but it sure does seem like a fun thought! We'll see!!! And, if this sweet baby IS a girl, she's got a cute pair of shoes waiting for her!!!

Thank you, Fabulous K, for the fun prize!!! I'm so excited!!!
P.S. Quinn is CONVINCED that it's a girl in my tummy. He talks about HER toys, HER room, etc. Even though he still often says it's a baby brother in my tummy, he thinks it's a girl! ...Regardless, he's going to make such a precious big brother!


kristin fulghum said...

man i really wanted to win those! i'm so mad at you...jk!

The Prosper Russells said...

I DIED when So exciting can't wait to see what you are having! hugs!

Laura said...

too cute. fingers crossed!

LaurieAnna's Vintage Home said...

Those shoes are adorable!! Congrats on your win! Happy New Year! ~LA

S, J, B, & S said...

Those shoes are precious!!! A girl would be so fun, but I have to say ... having 2 boys is pretty wonderful!!! Nothing like that sweet bond between brothers!!!