After many requests via blog, e-mail and mouth, I decided to add a few "buttons" to my sidebar. Now, I am NO graphic artist, so they're nothing spectacular...but, they'll hopefully get you from point A to point B! :) Here's what I have....
1. Monthly Theme "Fun Days!": This one will take you to all of the "fun days" I've done with Quinn! ...

2. Muffin Tin Munchies: Click on this to see all of our Muffin Tin Meals...

3. Out of the {Rainy Day} Box Fun: This button will take you to the "rainy day" activities we do together! ...

4. Confession: Click here if you'd like to sign our "guest book!" I'd sure love to know who is keeping up with ThePoeFam...
5. The Poe Fam's Open House: To see our home, click here...

6. Our Recipe Blog: Fabulous K did this cute one! Click on it to get to "Wearing Gackey's Apron" and see what we're eating at our house! ...

7. Two-Five Cloth: And, of course, this one is still available to get you to my husband's business website! (Which by the way, looks SUPER cool right now!) Buy a shirt...change a life! :)

1 comment:
Perfect! Thank you!
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