Why in the world would we make a big deal about Quinn’s half birthday?
Well….why not!?!?!?
Today, my little man turned TWO & a half! And, if you were ever a kid, you know that the number with the half next to it is VERY different from just the number. And, Quinn now knows that when asked how old he is, he is to respond with “Two and a half!”
And, in honor of my big Two and a half year old, we did LOTS of celebrating. It started last weekend. We headed to the mall so that Quinn could cash in his free “Happy Half-Birthday” cookie coupon! He was so proud to “pay” for his cookie and chose the sugar one with lots of purple sprinkles!!…
While we were at the mall, I cashed in my coupon at the Picture People. I got this trilogy for FREE, my friends! It was a fabulous deal!!! We had Q’s picture made in his new Polo from Mammer…with the #2 on the sleeve…and let him just “be Quinn” and play with his trains! It was the easiest photo shoot yet! :) And, Quinn is so proud of the new pictures that hang in his room!…
Then, this weekend, Mammer & Slickpaw came in town to celebrate! We started the weekend by a yummy dinner followed by dessert at Yogolicious! It’s one of our new favorite spots and Quinn gets SO excited to choose his flavors and toppings! …
Then, Saturday came…and it was the day that Quinn had been planning for over a week. He knew that when Mammer & Slickpaw came in town that he wanted to “eat pizza, play games and get a pirate this time!” So, because Slickpaw is a softie…that’s what we did! And, it was TOO fun! Quinn was the cutest little pirate…and so proud of his new look…just like he was when he was a tiger! He can’t wait to run back to the mirror as soon as he runs away!!! I love how he loves it…cracks me up!!!…
And, thanks to a little inside help (we knew the guy in charge of the games!), Quinn came home with a LiteBrite as his prize!!! (as well as a pirate bandana, bouncy ball, airplanes and 600 tickets to spare!) WOW!!! I love that my little boy has a toy that I loved as a child! …
Then, after nap it was TIME FOR CAKE! Quinn could not wait to blow out his candle, sing Happy Birthday to himself and EAT this chocolate cake that Mammer made him! I got it all on video!! It’s priceless for sure!!!…
Then, it was time for a few presents…why not? Quinn and I went in the bedroom so that Daddy could set up his “sussy!” (our word for “surprise!”) He covered his eyes while we waited…even though the door was closed! Cute boy!!!…
Then, when it was time, Quinn walked out to find THIS toy! The little show that goes with this toy has been Quinn’s OBSESSION for the last few weeks. If your kids love Cars, they’ll love these Cars Toons!…and the toys are SUPER hard to find…we were so thankful to find this at Toys R Us! And, Q was BEYOND excited!!!…the amount of time that has already been spent on this toy was WELL worth the money!…
For it only being a half birthday, Quinn was SPOILED for sure! Mammer and Slickpaw got him lots of new fall clothes and three cool new movies! And, he had the weekend that would bring a smile to any Two and a half year old’s face! Oh how I love my little man!!! And, oh how I love celebrating with him…even the little things!!!
Wow, where did you get the picture people coupon? What a steal! I love his little pirate face-what a great 1/2 birthday!
man, whoever did the face paint is good. Speaking of which, that football cake looks delicious.
Did you have to pay for the trilogy frame? I have the coupon for free 5x7 and 8x10, but not hte whole set- can you share??? We are headed to take Brayden's halloween costume pictures this week!
danielandshannonboyer at hotmail dot com
Good one on happiness and it helps a lot.
Karim - Mind Power
it's all about the little things! and who does that face painting? i need lessons.
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