Sunday, July 26, 2009

Crocodile Dock

crocodile-dock-vbs-2009-groupLast week, while I worked at VBS at our church, Quinn got to attend his own little Vacation Bible School with his friends. Even though he’s too young for the “real” VBS, his class had tons of activities to go along with what the big kids were learning. Granted, my 2 year old learned some pretty heavy stuff…like Moses and the burning bush, the nine plaques, and Passover….but, I loved that he would talk to me about all of it! I can’t wait to watch him each year at VBS as he grows closer to Jesus. …

He LOVED the crocodile head that was on stage. He couldn’t wait to see the “brown alligator” everyday. …And, Daddy made it even cooler…Carnic, VBS, Mommy Hugs 019

Here are some of his projects…don’t worry, Moses is NOT on fire!!! He just was glowing because God was speaking to him!!! …Puddles, Leggos 044 Puddles, Leggos 042 Look at how my little man stayed in the lines while coloring this crocodile. I mean, it’s not really “in the lines,” but I think it’s impressive that he didn’t just scribble all over the page!!! He’s TWO people! :) …
Puddles, Leggos 043

At VBS Family Fun night…6410_1177972085366_1110037307_30552932_6641694_n

Being a “Soldier of God” with his sweet friend, Rylie! …Carnic, VBS, Mommy Hugs 017 Carnic, VBS, Mommy Hugs 002

And, me, with Shannon and our Children’s Pastor, Carol, in our cool T’s! What a fun and rewarding week! …


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