Friday, March 27, 2009

I Don't Think I Was This Difficult...

When I look back at the nose pictures that my dad and I took through the years, it seemed so easy!... A willing daddy with such a compliant little girl! ... Well, nose pictures with my little man are a different story. Even though he's VERY much a cuddly and lovey little guy, getting the perfect annual nose to nose shot has become quite a challenge...and he's only TWO! But, in the end, we had some laughs and ended up with a pretty sweet picture! Oh, I love him so!!!
The first one...3.27.07...

The second one...3.27.08...
And, the third one...3.27.09...

Happy 2nd Birthday, my sweet little love!

1 comment:

Donnell Days said...

Those pictures are adorable!