Quinn got to live out a dream for his 2nd birthday...he got to ride on the REAL Thomas! On the morning of his big day, we loaded up the car and headed to Grapevine. When we drove up, we saw all of the cool things and were so glad that we had come! ... Quinn was so excited to see the BIG Thomas bounce house, to do some fun Thomas stamp art and get his first tattoo!

Then, when the time came, we hopped in line by the rails to wait for Thomas to arrive. And, when we saw him coming our way, Quinn was so excited...clapping and waving as he got closer!

And, there he was...lots of dramatic smoke, moving Thomas eyes and the perfect "peep peep" that only Thomas makes...Q was a little apprehensive (like he always is of stuff like this) but in awe at the same time!

So, we grabbed our tickets, gave a high five to the conductor and hopped aboard Thomas! ...

The ride was so fun! There was Thomas music playing the whole time and Quinn was so thrilled to be "riding Thomas!" He said it over and over as he smiled and laughed and played with his Thomas that he brought! ...

After the ride, Q told his Daddy about the "Thomas hat" that he must have seen another kid wearing, so he HAD to have one! He was so precious and so proud as he wore his hat the rest of the day! ...

Sir Topham Hatt was a little creepy, so this is as close as we got! ...We walked around and looked at Thomas one more time before saying goodbye! What a perfect 2nd birthday!!!...

Then, we headed down the road to
Kincaid's Hamburgers! My parents had eaten at the original restaurant/store dozens of times and were so excited to have the famous burger again! Q provided quite the entertainment during lunch! He was so happy and couldn't stop talking about "Big Thomas!"

How fun! How did you find out about this? I'm sure we'll be taking lots of boy adventures like this soon. I love all the cameras in the pictures.
I love that you take soooo many pictures! And I can only imaginehow cool it must have been to ride the "real" Thomas! A looks so cute in his little hat. :)
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