“Never will a time come when the most marvelous recent invention is as marvelous as a newborn baby." -Carl Sandburg
Yesterday, I had the sweet privilege of watching my dear friend, Jessica, become a mommy! The day started around 7:30...lots of waiting, lots of talking, lots of pictures, LOTS of anticipation...

Christopher Michael Burk
8 lbs. 21 inches
...and LOTS of hair!
Hearing the news was so surreal...it was crazy to think that almost 22 months ago, in the same waiting room, my family and friends were waiting for the same announcement! ...And, after what seemed like forever, we got to go back and meet Matt and Jessica's precious little man...
And, let me tell you...HE IS PRECIOUS! So perfectly chunky...beautiful light brown hair...big eyes that were already locked in to his momma! ...

And, that TONGUE...he stuck it out 100 times...precious!!!!...
I love it...I love that we now get to have this amazing job together...
Then, after everyone had met him, it was time for him to go...so, the nurse, Baby Christopher and I traveled up the elevator together to the 4th floor. It was fun getting to be with him by myself...and telling him that I was his "Bitt Bitt!"
I watched through the window and took pictures as they cleaned him and gave him his first shot. I was an emotional wreck! There's a good reason mommies don't see all of that...and, at that moment, I think I really caught that unstoppable and extra contagious "baby fever!"...

And, that TONGUE...he stuck it out 100 times...precious!!!!...

And, tonight, the whole PoeFam goes to meet Baby Christopher...I'm dying to hold him and Quinn can't wait to kiss his precious little toes! {So, check back for more pictures soon!}
precious. so fun that you got to be there for all of it!
Congratulations all around.... it brings a tear to my eye because my boys are so big! Just wanted to tell you, you've been tagged! visit us at http://coolcrazykidsstuff.blogspot.com/search/label/sites%20and%20people for details and have fun!
Ooooohhhhh, he's so cute!!! I just love him! Please tell Jessica I say he's beautiful, she looks fantastic and I love love all that gorgeous hair! Can I go with you sometime to visit them??
So.. I think I admitted to reading your blog.. but if not. Here's my confession!
Thank you a thousand for posting these! -Aprill
Yay! He is SO cute!! I'm so happy for them. I remember Nurse Mary from Quinn's B-day!
What fun! Loved your weekend away. I'm so jealous!
I tagged you on my blog. Check it out.
i love the pictures ! i am so happy for jessica and matt! their baby is such a cutie pie, i know what ya mean about that baby fever.... too cute! hey what do you put in q's hair to get it to stay that cute! willie needs some product to tame his hair!
That baby is just SWEETNESS. I love the way he is looking up at his mommy. What a blessing.
Hi Britteny!
I love the new post! That baby is so precious!! I saw where you visited my blog, thanks!! You have been a great inspiration to me and I know other bloggers appreciate you too. I would love to know how do you get the beautiful background and fonts? I found a place to get free backgrounds but to chicken to try it!!
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