What can my {almost 21 month old} not live without on Christmas morning?
Do you know of anything that you're getting your kiddo that is super fabulous or something that your kids already love!?!? Just want Santa to bring my baby the best! :)
And, what are you asking for this year!?!?
play kitchen, plastic golf club set, real looking and sounding cell phone that you can record a message on, little broom and dustpan...and probably will be the biggest hit: a ball pit (tent type thing filled with 200 balls)
what are you getting Quinn?
Hi Brittney,
I love your blog and I've been a regular reader for a while. I have a random question....I can vaguely recall you mentioning that you had your blog made into a book. I was wondering if you could tell me what company you used. I am trying to get a book made for my best friend for her Christmas present. Thank you for your help in advance and good luck on your present search!!!
Happy Holidays,
Kim- I just saw a site for that- blurb.com
Brittney- Kristin's right- kitchen and cleaning tools were hits at that age and things Beth still plays with. Jacob tries to. The best gift we've gotten were season passes to the zoo. We use those like crazy!
He LOVES slides...we're thinking maybe one of those sweet little cube-like play areas with a slide. Something that we can put in the game room & let him go to town!! Are you going to post another one of your famous "favorite" lists before holiday shopping?!?! I would LOVE some ideas :) Can't wait to see what Quinn gets this year!!
Hey Brittney...I check your blog occasionally since we have little boys very close in age. I am good friends with Natalie Timmerman. Rylan was born on 4-12-07 and this year we are getting him a spring horse for Christmas morning. Both my husband and I had one as kids and we think Rylan would have a blast on his very own horsey.
Cole got the Smart Bounce and Spin Pony by Fisher Price for his birthday and he loves it. It is for ages 12-36 months. I am sure you have seen the commercials but you hook it up to your tv and as you bounce or spin the pony, things happen on the screen. It has 3 different learning levels and Cole thinks it is really cool!
Hey Brittany! I am one of Cara Carroll's friends and love reading your blog. Last year Logan was right around Quinn's age and we got him a train table and started his Thomas collection. You should have seen his mouth fall open when he saw his very own train set. (He loved playing with the one at Barne's & Noble.) It is still his favorite and we are adding onto it this year and buying him a few more trains. FYI: That Thomas stuff can get expensive!! But, it is well worth it! :)
Here is our list:
Mason: Extreme Coaster http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2648732
Portable DVD player with Mickey Mouse movies, Front Row Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Live, Trains for his train table, books, clothes...
Me: Silhouette of Mason http://www.cutarts.com/catalog.php?category=4
Nikkon D80 Camera, Some nice comfy outfits for after Madelyn is born :)
*The Kangaroo Climber http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2336188
This was a BIG hit last Christmas and Mason still plays on it today...we have it in the playroom and it is easy to take down and put together!
I have checked your blog for months now, Quinn is so precious! Last year my daughter was almost 2 and we got her a spring horse (she still loves it a year later) and also the play kitchen. You can get great deals right now at Toys R US on both of those items.
Mandi Savage (Fauchier)
I love reading your blog. My daughter is Quinn's age and we got her the new Elmo Live doll. I couldn't pass it up after I heard her sweet giggles in Target when I pressed the button on his foot. She loved it. She's also getting a play kitchen, and some kind of ride on toy or a little tikes cube and slide toy. Good luck with your shopping. I can't wait to see what you decide.
hey girl...I somehow missed this post so I'll give you some of Reid's faves: At 26 months now he's all of a sudden loving his little people to walk around with and pretend play...too cute! He also is super into big cars, trains and basically any vehicle that makes noise or lights up. He has been into musical instruments for awhile now as well...
Hope that kind of helps! For Christmas he is getting a table and 4 chairs and a motorized vehicle to ride (woohoo!). I got him a pretend doctor's kit b/c he wants to give everyone medicine all the time lately. :)
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