The following post contains information from a very proud momma!
Expect serious bragging! Read at your own risk!!!
Yesterday was a monumental day for Quinn! Let's start with the ride to church...
As we start getting close to the building on Sundays, I always talk to Quinn about what's about to come..."We're going to church...to your class...wanna go see your friends...Cruse, Haylee, Ellie, Cade, Jackson, Lily...Miss Dianna is going to be there...it's going to be so fun...you're going to learn all about Jesus..." and on and on! He usually joins in by saying "riends" and then "no!" How does he know to say "no" before we even get there? Anyway, I prayed out loud for him, he repeated "may-men" and we got out to see Daddy. We visited with the youth and Matt for a while and then headed over to his class. As we start getting closer, he starts holding me tighter. He's always super nervous when we're getting his name tag at the check in desk...bless his heart! Drop off is NEVER fun...he always cries and says "no" and "momma"...so super sad! But, we've been good about being consistent. We have to get past this. Our little guy has just had separation anxiety from the time he was tiny and I was teaching at that preschool. He usually cries off and on the majority of his time in class. He doesn't always play, doesn't want to eat his snack, and sometimes just sits at the table and cries! It's so hard for me, obviously for him, and I'm sure for his poor teachers...but they're so sweet to be patient and super loving with him. Each Sunday has gotten a little bit better (minus a few setbacks) so I've remained hopeful! ... Well, drop off yesterday was like every other Sunday...sad, pitiful! I worry about him the majority of the time that I'm gone but know that him being there is only helping him. ... So, I taught my Preschool class and headed down the hall to pick him up about an hour and a half later! When I got to the door, I couldn't believe my eyes....QUINN WAS PLAYING WITH HIS FRIENDS...smiling, talking, having a great time! After about a minute of me watching in amazement, his sweet teacher said..."Quinn, where's your Mommy?" He looked to the door, smiled and kept playing! I was SHOCKED again! After a little bit longer, I said his name and asked him if I could have a hug. He looked at me, said "riends" and "no!" SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I was SOOO excited! No puffy eyes, no passy...just a happy little guy playing with his friends!!!! I was ecstatic beyond belief! ... Then, after lunch, a good nap, and some play time at home, we headed back up to church for Life Group. Drop off was not fun again...but, he had a blast with his friends AGAIN! He watched Boz and played and played! I couldn't have been more thankful and am praying that it continues! What a burden lifted off of our shoulders!!! YAY!!!!
Now, for the big time bragging....
Now, for the big time bragging....
After playing in the lobby of church and running outside in the grass for a while, we got in the car to head home. Since I was on "E," we were going to stop and get some gas before we got home. As we're about to turn into the gas station, Quinn pointed up at the gas station sign and said "Q!" At first I didn't know what he was doing and then I freaked out!!! We were pulling into the QT gas station and Quinn had seen the "Q" all on his own! Now, I have pointed out the "Q's" in his room and the foam one in the bathtub a hundred times, but I had NEVER pointed out this "Q" to him! My sweet little 18 month old found the letter "Q" on a sign and pointed it out to us!!! I was SHOCKED and AMAZED! Is this normal!? I feel like I had 4 year olds in my preschool class that couldn't point out the letter Q!!! Matt and I made such a big deal that he kept saying it over and over with a big smile on his face! (Are we feeding his little ego already, or what!?!) I called my parents, because I had to share the crazy news with someone else! ...Oh, how proud we were of our little smarty pants!...I'm going to stop underestimating what he can learn! He's such a little sponge and I love it so much!!!
I have seen before you are looking for an easy way to put your blog in book form - I haven't tried this out - but you might want to check out http://shane-natalie.blogspot.com/ - she has a suggestion and a give away for this type of thing.
Oh and Quinn is way ahead of his age!! He is the new Doogie MD
ADORABLE!! Always love a good bragging story! KEpp them coming! Hugs!
I've been reading your blog for awhile and I love it. I don't remember how I got here, but I did. You have one adorable (and well dressed!) little boy! (I can't wait to see how you dress your daughter if you ever have one!)
Anyways, I know how proud you are of him, I love it when your kids surprise you like that! But I am more surprised by the price of your gas! Could you send some my way?! :0)
Well, I thought it was time I stopped lurking... Can't wait to see what your next post is.
hey! i have been reading your blog for awhile, (dont remember, but i think i may have commented before, too) found it off of summer's (justin is my 1st cousin). anywy, love reading about your little quinn and YES this is very worthy of bragging! what a smart little man!
Natalie Roe
You know that is probably the smartest grandson ever! Slickpaw
You're a true teacher! And he's a true smartie! :D
so cute! sounds like a smarty pants to me...i've known 2nd graders that couldn't identify a Q before.
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