***UPDATE: After a sonogram this evening, Sharee found out that her cervix is thinning, therefore she won't be going home. It's disappointing and comforting at the same time. Please pray that Baby Tristan will just keep "cooking" in there and that Sharee and Justin will have ultimate peace during this time!
Today, Q and I got to visit my sweet Baylor roommate in the hospital. Sharee has had quite the scare with her little mister...last week she found out some unfortunate news about her protein levels (read her blog for more details) and then, soon after, she started leaking some fluid. Considering that she wasn't even quite 31 weeks, the doctors saw that it was a good idea to go ahead and admit her and keep a really close eye on Baby Tristan. But, after four non-showered days in the hospital (hence the quote that she so generously gave...therefore making my perfect title), some steroid shots, and lots of fluids and bed rest, God decided that he wasn't ready for Tristan to meet this world quite yet. She is no longer leaking any fluids (she actually has more than what she came in with!!!) and she and Tristan are getting to go home. I have loved watching Sharee through all of this...so cheerful and positive...knowing that God has their little family in His hands! It has been so encouraging to get her phone calls and I thank God for answering prayer...and for answering it so quickly! But, while she continues to be on bed rest, I hope to have lots more fun times with her...reminiscing about our sweet 4 years as roomies...and am so thankful that we get to wait a little longer to meet sweet Tristan. ... So, please join me in prayer for The Forman Fam as Tristan continues to grow and form and as Sharee does everything to keep them both safe and healthy!

Sweet Sharee. I have been wondering how she was doing. So glad Tristan is hanging tight for the time being. She looks so great even after 4 showerless days!!
Thanks for keeping me updated, BGP. She looks really great--especially in that first picture! I would have never guessed 4 days of no showering! She's such a sweetie.
I'm a stranger (NOT a crazy person) - but I have to say Ohmygoodness! - you look like Sarah Michelle Geller! I'm sure this is not the first time you've heard this, right? Wow - it's crazy how much you look alike!
Love the colored bath water! :)
thanks for the update, I was wondering how she was. I am so glad that she has you. It is great to see you to together!
Thanks for the update on Sharee!
Thank you for the update on Sharee. I have been praying for her and baby Tristan faithfully! I also wanted to stop by and say hello and to tell you that I love your blog... your little one is absolutely adorable!
Hey friend,
Thanks so much for coming to hang out the other day and for those fabulous socks! :) Yall come back and see me anytime...I'll be sure to shower just for you! :)
Thank you to everyone else too for all your prayers...we treasure them!
love, Sharee
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