Here is the new decor over our couch. For about 4 years, I had these three paintings that we got as wedding gifts. I love them, and have since put them in other parts of the house, but was tired of them being right there...ya know!? So, I got a new painting for my birthday and put this really pretty gold scrolly thing above it...and was just never happy with the way it looked. So, after seeing this idea in a magazine, I decided that I could do it...and do it cheaply! While in Abilene, mom and I hunted and hunted every antique store, book store, gift shop, etc. for the perfect bird/botanical/'something pretty' book that I could tear pictures out of to frame. I wanted trendy but traditional! Finally I found the most perfect bird book...and it was $11.00!!! I thought it was more than appropriate since Q's latest obsession is birds! :) ... Then, we went to the Dollar Tree and bought 15 wooden, black frames for $1.00 a piece! Can't beat it! ... I think I love the way it looks...and Quinn does, for sure!!! He loudly yells "bert" every time he sees them! What do you think about my $26.00 creation!?
{P.S. I was able to take back the painting that I got for my bday and got the most amazing lamp! FUN!}
soo cute! It's looks awesome!
How cute is this?! L-O-V-E it! I talked to Landon & told him what Q said and he's all for it! He says we should plan something fun, soon :)
I love it--looks so great! Way to go with your fabulous idea :) YAY!
Very cute. Once we move to your side of town I'm going to have to come over and get some decoration inspiration!!
darling! Love the funky yet sophisticated!
Super cute of course...you are my most creative friend :)
oh my gosh - i love it! I've been wanting to do birds in my dining room forever -- what a good idea!
Well aren't you just little Miss Creativity. Looks great. Can you come do something with my wall over our bed in the master..It's been blank for almost 3 years now.
P.S. Has Libby F. had her baby yet?
It's SO funny that you said that about the 3 pictures you got for your wedding because you know I have the very same ones above my couch. On vacation, I was on a mission of taking pictures with the intent of finally putting something new above our couch. Hilarious that we are so much on the same track! I'll have to take a picture of my new creation once I decide which pictures to use!
so smart! you young homemakers are so good at putting things together to make your homes so perfectly "you"! thanks for sharing your idea
Whoah! I'm totally going to do that with something else! I love LOVE it! It's such a great idea! And you know I love me some cheap. It looks really great!
will you please come decorate my house!?
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