Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Q's First Haircut

After hearing the "Quinn has a mullet" comment one too many times from Q's Daddy, I gave in and let Q get his first haircut. We went to Sharkey's on Saturday afternoon after Jett's Birthday party and Quinn had a great time. He sat in the hummer and watched an Elmo movie, while I snapped pics and got a little sad about my baby's hair being cut! (Silly, I know!) Even though I can't tell a whole lot of difference, he does seem to look a little bigger...and precious as can be!
You can see the 'baby mullet' here...

Bye-bye baby mullet... Thank you, Daddy, for my $16.95 haircut...that took 10 minutes...that would NOT have happened if we had guessed it would even be HALF of that! Oh well! Cute memory!


Unknown said...

Super cute, and so fun that they can sit in the cute car and watch the movie...but $17?!?! Wow...

Anonymous said...

I love the haircut picture in the car. He looks so handsome!

The Mecks said...

How sweet..... I love this story and the pictures!