Sunday, April 27, 2008

Unplugged in Abilene

You wouldn't believe that Abilene could allow for so much fun...especially in just 3 days...but it did! When Matt and I decided to go 'home' on Wednesday night after church, we couldn't wait. We were ready to get away and just relax in the slow-paced, "no worries" town of Abilene, Texas. In the past 3 years especially, Abilene has become our little getaway place. We have free room and board and feel that we can unplug...even if just for a few days.
Here we are at Grammer and Slickpaw's house...just having fun!!!...

Q posing like his Momma...
Grammer and Slickpaw even bought Quinn his very own swing for their backyard. I always give them a hard time that my swing-set is still in the's old and not "playable" but it did come in handy. It was a perfect place to hang the new swing for my boy. He was very relaxed while he was swinging. I think he would have stayed in it for longer, but we were all hungry and ready to go eat. Crazy that we have now both swung on the same swing set...

The highlight of our trip was meeting precious Caden Thomas Camp. I had no doubt that Thompson and Brent were going to make amazing parents! I loved spending Thursday afternoon (and part of Saturday) at their house...holding a sweet, almost 7 lb., newborn and talking with Thompson about the joys of motherhood and the craziness of childbirth. I am so excited to share motherhood with my dear friend and look forward to knowing Caden as he grows up. I hope that he and Quinn become great long-distance friends.

Quinn was very intrigued by Caden. He wanted to touch him so badly...and actually did a few times...sorry, Caden and Thompson! :) ... Q is ready for him to get bigger so that they can play!
Look at those out ladies!!!...

Then, on Saturday morning, we got ready and went to the 59th Annual Kiwanis Pancake Supper. Quinn was the 4th generation in our family to attend and it was so much fun. It was such a 'small town' event. The high school steel drum band was playing, there was a silent auction, and TONS of people were there. We all enjoyed the yummy pancakes.

Yes, that is Q with Syrup-Man! Aren't you jealous that you don't have a picture with Syrup-Man!?

After filling our bellies with pancakes, we went to HSU so Q could practice his new walking skills!(more on that to come) He'd already been to his Daddy's school once, but he was much tinier. (3 months old at camp last summer)... We thought he was old enough now to meet Dam-It! ... His Daddy thought it was a very important moment! :)

This is where Matt and I took our very first picture!

Last, but not least, Slickpaw took Q (and the rest of us, too!) to the Abilene Zoo. They have done so much to make it a great little zoo! Quinn was very aware of all of the animals and we were so excited to watch him experience so much for the very first time. He even wore his monkey shirt for this very special occasion.

And...our favorite part...the giraffes! Abilene Zoo has this cool giraffe bridge that allows you to feed the giraffes and be right with them. I think Q got a little giraffe slobber on his fingers...yuck! We stayed here for a while and enjoyed watching this amazing creature...they are so beautiful!

Dad was making a funny noise and it really got the giraffe's attention. It was hilarious!

What a fun trip we had! Thank you, Grammer and Slickpaw, for having us!


I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Love all the pic's. Closeup of the pancakes rock, with the blurry background milk carton. The giraffe pic's rock too. Isn't it insane how long their tongue's are. We went to the Cheyenne Mtn. Zoo in Colorado Springs, CO last summer and Luke was tickled pink at the tongues. He giggled and giggled, as did we. Heather

Kelby said...

Abilene Giraffe exhibit is the best I've ever seen at any zoo. I think the zoo is a million times nicer than it was when we were kids.

Jessica and Matt said...

OMG! I LOVE the giraffe pictures!! I've been thinking lately about how I really want to go to the zoo! Especially now that it's such nice weather. :)