Since Matt has been in New York since Tuesday for a conference for Two-Five (more on that later), Quinn and I have done our best to stay busy so we wouldn't miss him too much! Even though it was only 4 days, it has felt like FOREVER! I'm so thankful that I don't have a husband that travels! I don't like it!!!
Here's the recap of our week...
Here's the recap of our week...
* Quinn and I dropped Matt and Brad off at the airport. We were so sad!
* We shopped a little to make ourselves feel better and got a cute leopard print bed for the puppies, a fun new kitchen scrubber, and a pair of shorts for me!...Exciting, right!?
* Home for nap...that didn't really happen! Quinn was pretty much a toot for me all day! It's like he knew Matt wasn't coming home!
* Remy came over to spend the night! We ate Wendy's!
* Remy came over to spend the night! We ate Wendy's!
* We went to lunch with Meredith and Reid at Chick-fil-A! The boys had fun playing in the indoor playground for the first time!

* Ran some errands for Two-Five
* Went to church for Ladies Council Meeting and Girls Retreat Meeting. When we drove up to the church, Q started saying "dada" over and over. Then, when we went into the youth warehouse, he pointed to the stage and did the same thing! We miss our Dada!
* Remy spent the night again...tonight there were HORRIBLE storms! I woke up terrified when our electricity went off. I checked on Quinn and he was completely oblivious. I called my Dad in Abilene to check the weather. I prayed for safety!!! Matt being gone made it even worse. Even though Remy was the brave little girl that just wanted to go back to sleep, I was so glad she was here! I would have been a TOTAL basket case if I had been alone.
* Electricity came back on this morning after being off for 4 1/2 hours!
* Quinn and I watched Sesame Street in bed!
* Went to lunch with Remy at Olive Garden! YUM!

* Jessica came over to bring over Q's bday pics.

* Watched my tevoed American Idol and FREAKED OUT that they were singing "Shout the the LORD!" I was so excited!!!
*Went to the mall to hang out with lots of girls and kiddos from church! So fun to eat, gab and shop!
Hilarious Jett...

Lovable Micah... Precious Cruse...
Q with Hailey...
My {oh my gosh I could eat him up} little man...
Sweet buddies...
The sweet "mommy" of the group...little miss Rylie. She's always helping Quinn.
Our poor attempt at a group shot of the whole gang!!!...
* Went to church for a wedding rehearsal while Remy kept Q.
* Home to put Q down for the first time without nursing!
* Tried to stay up for Matt...didn't quite make it! He got home at 1:15a.m.
1 comment:
Willow Bend Mall's play area ROCKS!
Cute pic's. Can you email my friend Trina (she commented on your blog) on how to slurp her blog. Needing to preserve memories for her 7 mo. old as his Gammy just went to be with Jesus last week. Thanks. Heather
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