On March 27, 2008, we woke up at 7:30 a.m. to our precious baby boy talking through the monitor. He has been sleeping much later, so he must have known that it was a special day! Matt and I quickly got up and got the video camera ready to film our baby boy on his VERY first birthday! When we walked in his room singing "Happy Birthday" to him, he was sitting up waiting for us to come! His furrowed and confused brow quickly turned to a smile as we finished his song! ...
"How old are you, Quinn?"...

Being silly as he plays with his "quack-quacks" and his whistle! ...

Birthday phone call from Great Aunt Imogene...

We then got up and had lots of fun playing around the house! Grammer, Slickpaw, Nana and Pawpaw were all here to celebrate with him! He got played with and passed around all morning...and enjoyed his birthday breakfast of an entire banana, a blueberry pancake, some cheerios, and some YoBaby yogurt. The highlight of his morning was the colorful balloons that were JUST for him! ...'boon!' and 'bubu' were said as he pointed to the bouquet!

At about 9:30, Quinn went down for his morning nap! He needed to rest up for a fun-filled birthday. He slept for almost two hours...so we ended up changing his picture appointment for an hour later...such a good little napper!
When he woke, we dressed him, got all of his picture stuff packed and loaded the car for his birthday photo shoot. When we got to the mall, he was ALL smiles and did SO great for his pictures! I always pray that he'll be in good spirits and get so worked up until they're over! Thankfully, they turned out perfectly and we have great memories of his REAL birthday photo shoot...chocolate cake and all!

After pictures, we played in the play area at the mall and then went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch...yum! Q ate his birthday lunch of Chicken and Stars, applesauce, veggie crackers, and lots of bites of our food and drinks of our drinks. When we left the restaurant, we retrieved our stroller from the 'stroller parking' and noticed that Quinn's red balloon was missing. The hosts then informed us that a little girl had come and taken the balloon off of the stroller. They just assumed that it was her stroller. Are you kidding? My baby got his balloon stolen from his stroller ON HIS BIRTHDAY! At least he had many more waiting for him at home...but still! ... I was a 'mad mamma' and was on the lookout for a bouncing little red balloon as we walked back through the mall! I really think I would have gone to her and asked her to give it back...crazy, I know...but if you're a mamma, you understand!!! ...Oh well, I never found it! :)

After an exhausting afternoon out and about, we went home to take a nap! Quinn only slept for about an hour...he must have known that presents were at the other end of his nap! So, when he woke at about 5:30, Brad and Remy came over to give him a special birthday surprise! ...They had gotten together with other "family" and family to give Q the most amazing gift...the start of his college fund! Matt and I were completely blown away at everyone's thoughtfulness and generosity. What a priceless gift!!! ... We are so blessed!

Then, it was time for MORE presents! First, we sang "Happy Birthday" {again} and then he opened everything from us, his Nana and Pawpaw and his Grammer and Slickpaw! He got SO many things...clothes, shoes, books, puzzles, a little riding pony, his first tricycle, and MORE! He was somewhat engaged in opening them and liked looking at his new "touch and feel" animal cards the best.

Time has slipped by and we opted out of going out for dinner and just got Bueno to bring home. We ate pretty late and fed Q some of his Bueno faves. It was then time for bed...so we got ready for 'night night' ...everyone kissed the birthday boy and I took him to his room at about 9:00! I fed him and just cried as I looked at my sweet ONE year old! What a fun birthday!

What a cool idea starting the college fund for ya'll. How thoughtful. I love the pictures of him in the hat with cake all over his face.
LOVE the pictures you had made- such a cute idea to bring a cake! And, I love the birthday hat! So glad it was such a fun and special first birthday!!! :)
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