Friday, November 30, 2007

What a DUDE!

Tonight, Matt and I had so much fun with our six-toothed little man. He was full of energy and laughter!(maybe it was the red velvet cake frosting that I let him have this afternoon)

Then we all three went into Quinn's room to lower his mattress. Two nights ago, at about 3 A.M., I went to check on my crying baby and found him STANDING in his crib. It made me laugh and scared me at the same time. So, he's as low as he can go...and keeping him asleep as I put him down may be even more of a challenge now!


S, J, B, & S said...

Awww, those teeth are so cute!! Can't wait to meet you Mr. Quinn!!

the thorntons said...

What a little stinker! He's going to be doing front flips out of that crib before too long! How can you not love those chubby cheeks and all those teeth?!?! So precious.

Nicki W. said...

whoa!! those teeth came fast! tristan just got his 6th one this morning :)

crazymom said...

i cant believe Q had 6 teeth. my little man is 10 months and only had 4 teeth. I swear he is working on more though! he is drooling all over the place. Q is getting cutier by the minute!

Porter Carroll said...

Quinn looks like a big boy now! I can't believe how much he has changed since the last time I saw him! I want
to get my hands on those cheeks! :)
Amy C.