Even though this post includes a lot of random things, one thing remains the same...we have one VERY happy baby!!! We hear it daily... "He is such a good baby!" and "He is always so happy!" We love it!!! ... Despite catching mommy's cold this week and not going "number 2" for 5 days, he has been such a joy! If you want your day brightened, call me... let's get together and Quinn will be sure to make your day!
Here are Quinn's 3 month pics that we had taken...we were so pleased!

In the sweet 'sack" that Auntie Thompson got him before he was born!

Discovering his Jumperoo from Auntie Sarah...he's not quite big enough (notice the stool) but loves it anyway! ...

Amazed...and slobbering like crazy!!!
This week he really found Kia and he loves her. He pets her and pulls on her ears...then he'll just smile at her and she'll let him do the whole cycle again! She's such a good puppy!

This week at VBS...the theme was Avalanche Ranch and Q stole the show in his boots from Brad and Remy...

At Family Fun Night with the Ross Family...

Today's attempt to make that little tummy better...he liked it, but we're still waiting for the results!!!

Watching Praise Baby in his Jumperoo...I love the innocence and happiness in his eyes while he watches...one of my favorite things, for sure...

So cute, and so fun! I love his 3 month pictures. :)
BRITTNEY! What an angel Quinn is! I would love to get together ... my little boy Blake is 4 days older than Quinn ... they could be such good buddies! Email me when you get a chance ... I miss you!!
Love ~ Summer (Spain) Spooner :)
P.S. I linked to your blog from Meredith Northcutt's ...
oh ... and my email is summer@summerphotography.com!
Such sweet pictures. Love the boots! Isn't is amazing how much we worry about poop now. Hope you have results soon! Tee Hee
He's so adorable just like the last time I saw him. I really want to see you (an Quinn) one more time before the summer ends. I still have a gift for you and I'm so sorry that it hasn't gotten to you yet, we both know how crazy summers can be! Please call me sometime and I'll give you a call and we can see each other again before school!
He is so cute!
Erin...Carpenter (just in case)
i'm ready to see him. you+me+quinn+the southlake towncenter=a happy aunt molly!
I love that he's too little for his Jumperoo and he has to stand on a stool...precious!! He doesn't take a bad picture, does he?! Such a sweet boy...can't wait til I'm closer! :)
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