Well, it's a little after 5am and I just finished feeding my baby and putting him back down to sleep. I just didn't feel like it was worth it to go back to sleep for 45 minutes. I'll be so happy when these last two days of school are over and I can get some much needed rest! ... On that note, Quinn has been sleeping well at night... 3 nights ago it was 7 glorious hours again...2 nights ago it was 6...and last night was 5 1/2. He even took a 2 hour nap in his own crib on Sunday. (Even though we did trick him a bit by leaving him in his car seat!) Such a good boy!!!

Last night, Matt's mom kept Quinn and we went on a 'date.' I guess it's kind of our second one since he has been born. My mom kept him one night last week and we went to this fun wine bistro and then Matt's mom kept him so that we could go see Shrek 3. Even though he is only 8 weeks old, it feel so strange to be out without him. It's crazy how much we miss him when we're gone for even just a few hours and how happy we are to hold him and love on him when we get home. Are we pathetic, or what!?

Oh yal are having so much fun, I can't wait! I love it you tricked him in his car seat in his crib, too funny. And Brandon does look like Matt! Dang! 2 more days! You can do anything for 2 days!
Wow...He does look like MAtt, but also like Matt's dad!!! It is funny that Matt looks more like his uncle than his dad! You can do the next 2 days! Just keep thinking about the days you can wake up and be with him all day!
I just can't understand why you don't have any video online!?! You have your new video camera, and MattPoe has a Mac... videos!!!
Hang in there...2 more days until it's you & Q time ALL day EVERYday...you might be wishing for school this time next year!! Oh, and that Poe gene is really strong! I can't believe how much Matt & Brandon & Cliff all look alike! Crazy.
I'm right there with ya counting the days...only one more! I can't imagine how TIRED you must be...YEAH FOR SUMMER! :)
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