Today we got to see our sweet boy for one last time before we actually hold him in our arms. I'm 34 weeks along and seeing him again was so incredible! Our sweet sonogram lady, Carrie, let us look and ohh and ahh for over 45 minutes. She said that very few get such special treatment...and we loved that! It was amazing to see his face, his heart (with all four chambers), his hands, his spine, his bladder, his tongue, his 'poochy' lips, his intestines, his stomach, his lungs starting to breathe, and, my favorite, his FAT ROLLS!!! Even though I am constantly measuring a week small, our little guy is not so little! He's actually a week big and is already about 5 healthy pounds....with FAT ROLLS!!! My doc is guessing that he'll come a week or two early and weigh in the 7's...but having an 8 lb. baby is not out of the question. ... Experiencing a sonogram is such an amazing time and Matt and I are constantly in awe as he moves and squirms and sleeps away! My dear friend, Jessica, came with us today to help capture this memory...and how thankful I am that she did! I can't believe that we are going to meet our sweet baby Quinn in about a month...I don't think I can really fathom it.

Carrie's cute pattern on my HUGE belly!

My reaction when I heard we could have an 8 lb baby!!!

A 3D glimpse of his sweet face!

Sweet toes...and Carrie (below) showing us how big that foot is in "real life!"

Baby Quinn's squishy face...it's hard to see...but, if you can, it's amazing!! And, look at those pouty lips!
Us, discussing those lips!

My personal photographer, Jessica! .... and us with Carrie (below!)

I am so excited for you two and love seeing all this that I will get to go through! I can't believe you can see such little details and poochy lips, he he!! I can't wait to see Quinn! 8 lbs babies are so precious and healthy be thankful! Time is ticking down for you guys....woo hoo!!!!!
BP. So fun! Thank you for letting me go, and be a part of that! It really was amazing to see him alive in there! Can't wait to meet him...
wow! last time! unbelieveable!
Oh, how exciting for you guys!!! And what sweet memories you will always have of this day! Just think how incredible it will be to see him in person - there are truly no words to describe it. I'm so excited for you guys to get to experience this! I still look at Emmy sometimes and it's just so surreal that's she here. Have so much fun these last few weeks :o)
I seriously got emotional and a little teary looking at the two of you experiencing such a precious miracle. I can't believe he's already so big! How crazy that the next time you see him will be in PERSON!! I can't wait to hold that little guy. Love you! :)
Ahhhh! I am so happy for you! I am so glad you are enjoying this experience so much! I can't wait to see you and your precious tummy next weekend! Love u!
Brittney, I am certain that "Our Little Blessing" is going to change all of our lives for the better. We are all anxiously awaiting his arrival and I can only imagine how wonderful it will be to see and hold him. God bless you, Matt and Baby Quinn. Love you all so much, MiMi
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