Sunday, April 06, 2014

My MVP At His First Soccer Game!!!

After MUCH anticipation…and sleeping with his new cleats…and putting on a jersey every time we get home…and requesting to watch soccer games on TV over his shows…the big day has come and gone! Saturday morning, our sweet Nasher had his first Soccer game of the season through i9! He met his team, had his first practice and a scrimmage right after! Even though he wasn’t quite as aggressive as we expected, he was obviously in his element and loving every moment! His coach said we’re going to have to teach Nash “reverse manners” because he just doesn’t want to take the ball away. But, if he ever gets it, he’s AWESOME! He was so proud when he received the first “Sportsmanship Medal” of the season…and we were so proud of the cutest little Soccer Stud we’ve ever seen! IMG_1737IMG_1739A little half time coaching from Daddy..reminding him that it’s OK to take the ball from the other team…IMG_1741IMG_1743This Big Bro was so proud…IMG_1747IMG_1751I wanted to take some pics with him JUST in case I don’t get to come and watch for a few weeks. I expect to be there next Saturday, but who knows!?

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